(A)   Required. No person shall drive any taxicab carrying passengers for hire from place to place within the city or between city and unincorporated places within five miles of the city unless that person shall first have applied to and secured from the City Manager a permit to operate a taxicab.
(Prior Code, § 112.15)
   (B)   Application. The application for a permit to operate a taxicab shall be made upon blanks furnished by the city for such purpose and shall state the name, address, physical condition, physical description, former employers, court record, and state chauffeur’s license number. The application shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant. The applicant shall further appear at the Police Department for the purpose of having his or her fingerprints taken, the impression of which shall constitute a part of his or her application. The applicant shall also furnish a photograph of himself or herself made within 30 days of his or her application. The dimensions of the photograph shall be two and one-half inches by two and one-half inches or three inches by three inches, full face, and this photograph shall be a part of his or her application.
(Prior Code, § 112.16)
   (C)   Chief of Police to investigate application. The Chief of Police shall be charged with the duty of investigating the facts stated in the application and shall report his or her findings and recommendations to the City Manager.
(Prior Code, § 112.17)
Penalty, see § 112.99