For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ANIMAL SHELTER. A place provided and operated by the county for the restraint, care, and disposition of animals.
   AT LARGE. Off the premises of the owner and not under control either by leash, cord, or chain or without the immediate and effective control of the owner or other responsible person.
   CAT. A domestic feline of either sex over the age of four months.
   CONTROL. Within 50 feet of the owner and not on the private property of others.
   DOG. Both male and female over the age of four months.
   OWNER. Any person owning, keeping, or harboring a dog or cat and for the purpose of this chapter; the head of the household shall be deemed to be the OWNER in respect to any dog or cat owned, kept, or harbored by any person residing in such household and kept on such premises.
   RESTRAINT. A dog is under RESTRAINT, within the meaning of this chapter, if:
      (1)   It is under sufficient physical restraint, such as a chain, leash, or similar effective and humane device which restrains and controls the dog. If, any unattended dog is restrained by a chain, leash, or similar RESTRAINT, it shall be designated and placed to prevent choking or strangulation. Such chain or RESTRAINT shall not be less than ten feet in length and shall be on a swivel designed to prevent the dog from choking or strangling itself. The RESTRAINT of unattended dogs by a chain, leash, or similar restraint is further regulated under § 94.22(G);
      (2)   It is on or within a vehicle being driven or parked; or
      (3)   Adequately contained by a fence or other secure enclosure on the premises.
   TETHERING. Tethering means the tying out or fastening a dog outdoors on a rope, chain, or other type of line for holding a dog. This shall not include tying out or fastening a dog outdoors on an attended leash.
   VICIOUS DOG. Any dog which has bitten one or more persons without provocation or one in which a propensity to attack humans exists and such propensity is known or ought to reasonably be known to the owner.
(Prior Code, § 95.01) (Ord. 6-3-07, passed - -2007; Ord. 6-3-11, passed - -2011)