(A)    Limitation on number. It shall be unlawful for any owner to keep more than three dogs within the corporate limits of the city. It shall be unlawful for any owner to keep more than three cats within the corporate limits of the city.
   (B)   Vicious dogs. It shall be unlawful for any owner to keep any vicious dog within the city limits.
   (C)   Running at large. It shall be unlawful for any owner to allow any dog of his or hers to run at large within the city limits. When walking dogs, they must be under leash or control, and the owner shall not permit the dog to enter on or disturb in any manner the property of others, even though under leash.
   (D)   Female dogs in heat. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any female dog in heat to keep the same within the city limits during such period, unless confined to the premises of the owner or other person, with the person’s consent.
   (E)   Barking dogs. It shall be unlawful for any dog owner to keep or have within the city a dog that habitually or repeatedly barks in such manner or to such extent that it is a public nuisance.
   (F)   Dogs which are nuisances. It shall be unlawful for any owner to keep on his or her lot or premises any dog that causes unsanitary conditions or barks, howls, fights, or makes such other noises as to disturb the peace and quiet of the neighborhood or general public and causes a neighborhood or public nuisance. Failure to abate any such nuisance, upon warning from the Chief of Police or his or her duly authorized representative, shall be a misdemeanor, subject to punishment.
   (G)   Restraint of animals.
      (1)   Physical restraint.
         (a)   It shall be unlawful for any person owning or having possession, charge, custody, or control of any animal, excluding cats, to keep such animal on his or her own premises or off the premises, unless such animal is under sufficient physical restraint to control the animal or within a vehicle or adequately contained by a fence on the premises or other secure enclosure.
         (b)   If the physical restraint used is a leash requiring a person to control the animal, the person using such restraint must be of sufficient age and physical size or ability to reasonably restrain the animal.
         (c)   If the secure enclosure is an invisible fence system, then all components of the system must be in working order and in proper place. Additionally, there must be a visible, permanent sign on the premises stating that there is an invisible fence.
      (2)   Tethering. Dogs may be tethered to a stationary object only if conditions in divisions (G)(2)(a) through (G)(2)(i) below are met.
         (a)   A tether shall be equipped with a swivel on both ends.
         (b)   A tether shall be a minimum of ten feet in length and shall be made of either metal chain or coated steel cable.
         (c)   Tethers shall be attached to a buckle-type collar or harness and under no circumstances shall the tether itself be placed directly around a dog’s neck. Tethers shall not be used in conjunction with training collars such as choke or pinch-style collars.
         (d)   The weight of the tether shall not exceed 10% of the total body weight of the dog but shall be of sufficient strength to prevent breakage.
         (e)   The tether, by design and placement, shall allow the dog a reasonable and unobstructed range of motion without the possibility of entanglement, strangulation, or other injury. The tether shall allow the dog access to adequate food, water, and shelter.
         (f)   A dog must be four months of age or older to be tethered.
         (g)   Only one dog shall be attached to a single tether.
         (h)   Pulley systems, running lines, and trolley systems may be used in conjunction with a tether.
         (i)   Pulley systems, running lines, and trolley systems shall be at least ten feet in length and no more than seven feet above the ground.
            1.   The line of the pulley system, running line, or trolley system to which the tether is attached shall be made of coated steel cable.
            2.   No tether shall be affixed to a stationary object which would allow a dog to come within five feet of any property line.
         (j)   An animal control officer may, in his or her discretion, order a more restrictive tethering requirement if circumstances require and it is not detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of a dog.
         (k)   Citizens residing in town homes, apartments, condos, or similar multi-family housing units with lot sizes insufficient to meet the length and property line requirements, specified in divisions (B)(2)(i) and (G)(2)(b) above, may only tether dogs for temporary exercise and relief.
(Prior Code, § 95.17) (Ord. 6-3-07, passed - -2007; Ord. 6-3-11, passed - -2011) Penalty, see § 94.99
Statutory reference:
   Confinement of vicious animals, see G.S. § 130A-200
   Permitting bitch at large, see G.S. § 67-2