(A)   Services to single-family residential units not otherwise required by this code to have other containment devices may have a containment device in the form of an approved dual check valve. On all such services for which meters are applied more than 90 days following the date of adoption of this chapter, the dual check valves or other containment devices, as required, shall be installed by the owners’ representative prior to the installation of the meter by the Water and Sewer Maintenance Department. On all such services for which meters have been applied prior to that date, the dual check valve shall be installed by the Water and Sewer Maintenance Department, provided that the city reserves the right to charge the owner or occupant of any residence for the cost of the device and its installation. Maintenance of dual check valve containment shall be conducted by the Water and Sewer Maintenance Department.
   (B)   All other connections to the public water supply of the city shall have containment devices in the form of a double check valve back flow prevention device, as set forth in § 52.08. This shall include water mains installed to city standard and with city supervision but which are not maintained by the city, pursuant to other ordinances including, but not limited to, mobile home parks, apartments, group housing projects, and other private distribution systems or similar hazard potential as determined by the Public Utilities Director or his or her authorized representative.
(Prior Code, § 51.102) (Ord. passed 8-10-1993)