(A) The purpose of this subchapter is to provide for the management of water resources in the event of emergency and how and under what circumstances such emergency shall be handled.
(B) An emergency may be called by the City Manager or the City Manager's appropriate designate to curtail or manage the city's water resources in a responsible manner when:
(1) The City Manager or the City Manager's appropriate designate determines with valid stated reasons that the city is experiencing or about to experience a water shortage or water emergency; and
(2) Conditions prevail within the area of the city and its urban growth boundary due to occurrences such as drought, extraordinary demand, and/or the ordinary demands and requirements of water consumers that cannot be satisfied without depleting the water supply of the city to the extent that there would be insufficient water for human consumption, sanitation, and fire protection.
(C) In order to conserve the water supply for the greatest public benefit with particular regard to domestic use, sanitation, and fire protection, the City Council adopts the following regulations and restrictions on the delivery and consumption of water to take effect immediately and remain in effect until rescinded by ordinance or direction of the City Manager or his or her designate.
(D) The specific uses regulated or prohibited in this subchapter are nonessential so that if allowed would constitute wastage of water, and should be prohibited.
(Ord. 09-409, passed 10-14-2009)