The city, at its discretion, may use request-for-proposal competitive procurement methods subject to the following conditions:
   (A)   The procurement is advertised and a written solicitation document is issued that invites the submission of sealed, written offers to be opened publicly at a designated time and place; and
   (B)   Contractual requirements are stated clearly in the solicitation document; and
   (C)   Evaluation criteria to be applied in awarding the contract and the role of an evaluation committee are stated clearly in the solicitation document. Criteria used to identify the proposal that best meets the city's needs may include, but are not limited to cost, quality, service, compatibility, product reliability, operating efficiency and expansion potential, proposer qualifications and experience; and
   (D)   The solicitation document clearly states all complaint processes and remedies available; and
   (E)   The solicitation document states the provisions for proposers to comment on any specifications that they feel limit competition;
   (F)   Any expense incurred in generating the proposal shall be solely that of the proposer.
(Ord. 10-413, passed 12-15-2010)