It shall be the responsibility of the licensee to ensure that:
   (A)   No form of unlawful gambling is permitted upon the licensed premises;
   (B)   Social games are conducted consistent with the provisions of state law, city ordinances and this section;
   (C)   There shall be no house player, house bank or house odds, and there shall be no house income from the operation of the social game;
   (D)   All social games shall be open to public inspection during all hours of operation;
   (E)   There are no off-premises signs advertising gambling, card playing or social games. However, charitable, fraternal and/or non-profit, tax-exempt organizations as defined by Oregon and/or United States tax laws are exempt from this requirement;
   (F)   The playing of all social games shall be so arranged as top provide equal access and visibility to any interested party;
   (G)   No person under the age of 18 years shall be permitted to participate in a social game;
   (H)   No charge, other than an entry fee, shall be collected from a player for the privilege of participating in a game;
   (I)   No participant in a social game shall be charged a price for any consumer goods which is higher or lower than the price charged non-participants;
   (J)   The rules social games, and the social gaming licenses shall be posted in a conspicuous place near the area where the games are being played;
   (K)   The room or enclosure where the social games take place is open to free and immediate access by law enforcement officers. Doors leading into the room or enclosure remain unlocked during all hours of operation; and
   (L)   No social game is conducted between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
(Ord. 2005-392, passed 5-11-2005; Am. Ord. 11-415, passed 10-26-2011) Penalty, see § 111.99