(A)   Limitation of residential off-street parking. Residential off-street parking accessory to residential uses and provided in accordance with the requirements of this subchapter shall be used solely for the parking of vehicles of the owners, occupants or guests of the property to which said parking is accessory.
   (B)   Joint or shared off-street parking. Off-street parking for different buildings, structures or uses may be provided collectively provided the total number of spaces will equal the total requirements for all such uses sharing the parking facility.
   (C)   Guarantee of off-site parking. When required off-street parking is to be provided elsewhere than on the lot on which the principal use is located, the control and continuing availability of the off-site parking will be guaranteed either by deed or long term lease, and the owner shall be bound by covenants property recorded, requiring the owner, his or her heirs and assigns to maintain the required number of parking spaces during the existence of the principal use.
   (D)   Districts in which off-site parking is permitted. Accessory parking facilities, when provided elsewhere than on the same zoning lot, shall adhere to the following requirements: no parking facilities accessory to an apartment use shall be located in an R-S, R-1 or R-2 Residential District.
   (E)   Location and layout of off-street parking.
      (1)   Plans for the layout of off-street parking for the purpose of meeting parking requirements shall be in accordance with the following minimum requirements:
Parking Pattern
(In Degrees)
Maneuverin g Lane Width
Parking Space Width
Parking Space Length
Total Width of One Tier of Spaces plus Maneuvering Lane
Total Width of Two Tiers of Spaces plus Maneuvering Lane
0 (parallel parking)
12 ft.
8 ft.
23 ft.
20 ft.
28 ft.
90 (perpendicular parking)
20 ft.
9 ft.
20 ft.
40 ft.
60 ft.
      (2)   Interpretation of fractional parking spaces resulting from the application of the parking schedule shall be as follows: a fractional parking space shall be considered as one parking space.
      (3)   All spaces shall be provided adequate access by means of internal maneuvering lanes. Backing onto a street shall be prohibited.
      (4)   Adequate ingress and egress to the parking lot by means of clearly defined drives shall be provided. Parking lot entrances and exits shall be at least 25 feet distant from any adjacent residential district.
      (5)   Parking is permitted in the required front, side or rear yards as specified in permitted obstructions in yards as outlined in §§ 156.030 through 156.045.
      (6)   For all newly established and expanding uses, all off-street parking areas and drives are to be hard surfaced with bituminous concrete, A-3 or equivalent.
      (7)   Landscaped buffers or screening is required to be provided and continuously maintained for off-street parking areas for any business or industrial use adjacent or backing on a residential district or for any apartment use along any side adjoining an R-S, R-1 or R-2 District. Types and sizes of plant material shall be as provided in § 156.037.
      (8)   Lighting to illuminate parking areas shall be so arranged as to direct lighting away from adjoining properties.
   (F)   Handicapped parking required. For any parking area to be used by the general public, oversized handicapped spaces, 16 feet in width and 20 feet in length shall be provided according to the following schedule:
Required Handicapped
Required Off-Street Parking Spaces
Each additional 50 spaces or portion thereof
1 additional space
(2009 Code, § 40-11-4) (Ord. 15-08, passed 8-31-2015)