(A)   All individual property site plans filed with the Village Clerk and distributed for review by the Planning and Zoning Commission under the provisions of this subchapter shall be subject to:
      (1)   Individual property site plan review by a consulting engineering firm authorized by the Village Board to make such review;
      (2)   Any other review, study or analysis as may be deemed necessary due to the specific impact of the proposed individual property site plan on the village by the Planning and Zoning Commission or the Village Board of Trustees; and
      (3)   Payment of all expenses incurred by the village in relation to the requirements for consideration of the individual property site plan.
   (B)   The property owner shall deposit with the Village Clerk at the time of submission of such site plan, a cash amount of $1,500 toward payment of all expenses to be incurred by the village related to the site plan. The consulting engineering firm shall be compensated by the village for one individual property site plan review cycle as outlined in § 154.110, to be provided in accordance with the regular rates charges to the village by the consulting engineer for such services. Any other expense incurred by the village shall be charged to the property owner at the actual amount. If the aggregate of all expenses incurred by the village in relation to the site plan, including consulting engineering service fees for the one individual property site plan review cycle, are less than $1,500, the difference shall be refunded to the property owner upon the village’s approval of the site plan. If the aggregate of all expenses are greater than $1,500, the difference shall be paid by the property owner upon the village’s submission of the final invoices for all such expenses. The property owner shall remit to the village an amount equal to the difference between the actual total expenses incurred by the village and the amount deposited with the village prior to approval of the individual property site plan.
(2009 Code, § 41-7-7) (Ord. 10-09-01, passed 10-09-2001; Ord. 16-01, passed 2-8-2016)