When a lot which is an official lot of record at the time of adoption of this chapter does not comply with the area, yard or other requirements of this chapter, an application may be submitted to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a variance from the terms of this chapter in accordance with the procedure outlined in §§ 157.124 through 157.126 of this chapter, but that the charges and fees normally required for variances shall not apply to unimproved lots of record. Such a lot may be used as a building site; provided, however, that, the yard and other requirements of the district are complied with as closely as possible in the opinion of the Zoning Board of Appeals.
(Prior Code, § 151.055) (Ord. 176A, passed 2-6-1968)
(A) Allowable projections of residential structures into yards. Architectural features of residential buildings such as window sills, cornices, roof overhangs may project into the required yard; provided, such projection is not more than four feet and does not reach closer than four feet to any lot line.
(B) Allowable projections of business structures over sidewalk. Signs, awnings, canopies, marquees, are permitted to overhang the sidewalk in the C-1 General Retail District only; providing that, overhanging signs are a minimum of eight feet above the sidewalk at any point and that all other structures are a minimum of six feet eight inches above the sidewalk at any point.
(C) Allowable projections of accessory building into rear yard. One-story accessory buildings may project into rear yards abutting on an alley or easement; providing, such projection extends not closer than five feet to the rear lot line and two feet to a side lot line.
(Prior Code, § 151.056) (Ord. 176A, passed 2-6-1968)
The height limitations of this chapter shall not apply to church spires, belfries, cupolas and domes not intended for human occupancy; monuments, water towers, transmission towers, chimneys, smoke stacks, derricks, conveyors, flag poles, radio towers, masts and aerials.
(Prior Code, § 151.057) (Ord. 176A, passed 2-6-1968)