(A)   Any use permitted in the residential districts;
   (B)   Any use permitted in the C-1 General Retail District;
   (C)   Building trades or equipment: building, concrete, electrical, masonry, sheet metal, plumbing and heating shops, building material establishments (providing, no assembly, construction, millwork or concrete block manufacture is done on premises);
   (D)   Vehicle drive-in and heavy vehicle service: drive-in theaters, drive-in restaurants and refreshment stands; express, cartage and trucking facilities; large item machinery or bulk sales and storage not including outdoor unfenced storage;
   (E)   Heavy service and processing facilities: laundry and dry cleaning plants; linens, towel, diaper and similar supply services; animal pounds, kennels and veterinary establishments; frozen food lockers; seed and food processing plants; dairies;
   (F)   Accessory uses or buildings; and
   (G)   Business and advertising signs pertaining to the business on the property on which the sign is located; providing that:
      (1)   Illumination of all signs shall be diffused or indirect and shall be arranged so as not to reflect direct rays of light into adjacent residential districts or into the public way; and
      (2)   That any sign located in the direct line of vision of any traffic-control signal shall not have flashing intermittent red, green or amber illumination.
(Prior Code, § 151.037) (Ord. 176A, passed 2-6-1968)