§ 157.025 PREAMBLE.
   The purpose of the agricultural district is to encourage the preservation of proper setting for and pleasant approaches to the village; to provide an area for agricultural pursuits protected from infringements of unguided urban development; to create and preserve a setting for rural small estate residential development; to conserve areas physically unsuitable for intensive development; and to provide in the area immediately surrounding the village, an environment capable of accommodating future expansion of the village in an orderly and efficient manner.
(Prior Code, § 151.015) (Ord. 176A, passed 2-6-1968)
   (A)   Agriculture;
   (B)   Horsekeeping, but only on zoning lots at least 10 acres in size and not less than 300 feet in width at its narrowest point;
   (C)   One- and two-family residential dwellings accessory to agricultural uses, and home occupations conducted therein;
   (D)   Community buildings, utility and service system buildings and lands including, but not limited to, wastewater treatment facilities and related works, libraries and museums, picnic grounds, religious, educational or charitable institutions; and
   (E)   Unlighted signs notifying the sale, rental or lease of land for sale or farm goods on the premises on which the sign is maintained having not over 50 square feet of sign area; signs announcing meeting time and place of civic organizations.
(Prior Code, §151.016) (Ord. 176A, passed 2-6-1968; Ord. 93-004, passed 4-14-1993; Ord. 15-028, passed 10-5-2015)
§ 157.027 SPECIAL USES.
   The following uses are permitted as special uses when authorized by the President and Board of Trustees after a public hearing and recommendation by the Zoning Board of Appeals: (Such special use shall be subject to the following requirements and any other requirements the Zoning Board of Appeals determines necessary to further the purpose of the agricultural district as stated in the preamble.)
   (A)   Outdoor advertising structures; providing, they are not closer than 300 feet to the nearest highway right-of-way or 500 feet to the nearest residential or public or semi-public property, and that permits are issued for not longer than five years;
   (B)   Uses of land including quarrying and mining of natural resources, sanitary land fill and other types of land fill, refuse disposal and dumps; and
   (C)   Cemeteries.
(Prior Code, § 151.017) (Ord. 176A, passed 2-6-1968)
   Each dwelling shall be located on a lot having an area of not less than one acre and a lot width of not less than 150 feet.
(Prior Code, § 151.018) (Ord. 176A, passed 2-6-1968)
   No residential dwelling shall exceed two stories or 30 feet in height.
(Prior Code, § 151.019) (Ord. 176A, passed 2-6-1968)
   All structures shall have the following minimum yard spaces:
Corner lots
Shall provide the minimum front yards requirements on each street side of the lot
Front yard
50 feet
Rear yard
Each not less than 30 feet
Side yard
Each not less than 15 feet
(Prior Code, § 151.020) (Ord. 176A, passed 2-6-1968)
   There shall be provided in the AG District off-street parking in accordance with § 157.008 of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 151.021)