(A) The final acceptance by the village of public improvements and recordation thereof shall constitute acceptance by the village of title to and maintenance responsibilities for the public improvements. Any contractor’s warranties in effect with respect to the public improvements shall be deemed assigned by the subdivider to the village upon acceptance by the village.
(B) No acceptance by the village of public improvements shall be deemed to be acceptance by the village of maintenance responsibility with respect to drainage swales or common areas within the subdivision.
(Prior Code, § 150.038) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
Unless stated otherwise in this chapter, all construction of public improvements shall be performed in accordance with the latest revised edition of the Illinois Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, adopted by the Illinois Department of Transportation, and the Standards Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois. If an engineering design or construction situation arises not covered by the above cited standard specifications or in the following sections, the decision of the village’s consulting engineer shall be followed.
(Prior Code, § 150.039) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
(A) The location and width of all streets shall conform to the arterial roadway network plan, if adopted. The minimum width of a street right-of-way (R-O-W) shall be as shown on the arterial roadway network plan, or if not shown on the plan, shall not be less than the following:
Alley | 20 feet R-O-W |
Collector street | 60 feet R-O-W |
Existing township highway | 80 feet R-O-W |
Local street | 50 feet R-O-W |
Major arterial | 110—210 feet R-O-W |
Minor arterial | 80—100 feet R-O-W |
(B) Additional rights-of-way may be required for drainage, slope, maintenance or other reasons not directly related to street classification.
(C) For subdivisions that adjoin existing streets, additional rights-of-way shall be dedicated, as needed, to meet the above requirements. This shall be done as follows.
(1) The entire additional right-of-way shall be provided when the subdivision is located on both sides of the existing street.
(2) One-half of the required right-of-way shall be provided when the subdivision is located on only one side of the existing street. However, in no case shall the resulting right-of-way width be less than 50 feet.
(Prior Code, § 150.040) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
The following requirements shall be incorporated into the design of all streets.
(A) Vertical alignment; grades. The maximum grade on a major or minor arterial shall be 5%. The maximum grade on all other streets shall be 8%. The minimum grade on all streets shall be 0.40%. All street grades shall be subject to the approval of the village’s consulting engineer.
(B) Horizontal alignment.
(1) Horizontal curves. When a centerline deflection angle is greater than one degree, the following curves shall be required in the street: major and minor arterials and collector streets shall have a minimum centerline radius of 300 feet and a minimum length of curve of 100 feet; arterials and collectors having a design speed and/or expected posted speed greater than 30 mph shall be consistent with the latest revision of the horizontal curvature requirements of ASSHTO, A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets for the appropriate roadway classification; all other types of streets shall have a minimum centerline radius of 100 feet. The pavement in all cases shall be wide enough to allow the movement of a WB-50 Design vehicle, as described in the Illinois Department of Transportation Design Manual.
(2) Intersections. Intersections of major and minor arterials and collectors with roadways of the same classes shall not be closer than one quarter of a mile from any other such functionally classed roadways’ intersections. These intersections shall be located at the quarter mile grid points.
(3) Street offsets. Street centerline offsets shall not be less than 125 feet, unless otherwise warranted to the satisfaction of the village’s consulting engineer.
(4) Curb corners. All curb corners shall have a minimum radius of 25 feet.
(C) Pavement. All local and collector streets shall be installed in accordance with the following pavement standards.
(1) Subgrade. At the option of the subdivider, 12 inches lime stabilized soil per latest IDOT Standard shall be employed within the street area (omit curb area).
(2) Asphalt; pavement alternate.
(a) Alternates.
1. Alternate A. If the subgrade is treated as in above, the pavement design will consist of four inches of bituminous concrete binder course, Class I (A Binder) and one and one-half inches of bituminous concrete surface course, Class I (gradation of coarse aggregate to be CA 16).
2. Alternate B. If the subgrade is not lime treated, the pavement shall consist five inches bituminous concrete binder course, Class I (A Binder) and two inches of bituminous concrete surface course Class I (gradation of coarse aggregate to be CA 16).
(b) Subgrades. All subgrades shall be inspected by the village’s consulting engineer and, if he or she deems necessary, proof rolled prior to paving.
(c) Increases. If the street is a minor arterial, the above binder and surface shall be increased to six inches and two inches for the lime treated and eight inches and two inches respectively for the non-lime-treated subgrades.
(3) Concrete; pavement alternate.
(a) Regardless if the subgrade is treated, a minimum of six inches unreinforced portland cement concrete pavement according to § 408 of IDOT specs shall be employed. All transverse contraction joints shall be 15 feet and sealed per ASTM D3405.
(b) If the street is a minor arterial, the pavement shall be increased to eight inches. All transverse contraction joints shall be 20 feet and sealed per ASTM D3405.
(4) Pavement design.
(a) All major arterial pavements shall be designed in accordance with the requirements contained in the latest, revised edition of the IDOT Design Manual and shall be designed for a 20-year period. The minimum requirements listed in the tables of the Design Manual shall govern at all times.
(b) A state bearing ratio of 3.0 (IBR = 3.0) shall be used in pavement design unless the subdivider’s engineer submits soil tests justifying a different IBR.
(c) Vehicular traffic volumes and vehicle classification percentages used in the design shall be approved by the village’s consulting engineer.
(d) In all cases, the minimum street will govern if the above major arterial design is less.
(D) Pavement width.
(1) All streets shall be improved with pavements to an overall width in accordance with the following general guidelines, which are subject in every case to the discretion of the village.
Type of Street | Pavement Width (Edge of Pavement to Edge of Pavement) |
Collector street | 27 feet minimum |
Local street | 27 feet minimum |
Major arterial | 40 feet minimum and as required by IDOT |
Minor arterial | 32 feet minimum |
(2) The minimum pavement width shall be 27 feet from the edge of pavement to edge of pavement, not including the curb and gutter. Different widths may be used depending on the anticipated traffic volumes and parking demand. These widths of pavement shall be determined by the Planning Commission and the village’s consulting engineer in consultation with the engineer for the subdivider. If a pavement width narrower than the above stated minimum results from this consultation, the subdivider shall install “No Parking” signs at his or her expense.
(E) Curb and gutter.
(1) The standard curb and gutter required adjacent to flexible pavement shall be a mountable type constructed portland cement concrete with the following dimensions: 24 inches wide, eight inches thick on the front face (pavement side), ten inches thick on the back face, seven inches thick at centerline (flow line), and a ten-inch radius in the flow line. The curb and gutter adjacent to concrete pavement, if poured monolithically, may be limited to the thickness of the pavement.
(2) In subdivisions proposed to have streets with an anticipated daily traffic volume of 2,500 or more, a barrier type curb and gutter similar to Type B6.18, as described in the Illinois Department of Transportation Highway Standards, shall be used. Other locations where a barrier type curb and gutter are required shall be determined by the engineer for the subdivision and the village’s consulting engineer.
(F) Pavement crown. The minimum crown used on all pavements shall be one-quarter inch per foot measured from the edge of the pavement to the centerline of the street.
(G) Cul-de-sac streets. Local streets that are also cul-de-sac streets shall be no more than 600 feet long unless necessitated by topography in which case they shall be no longer than 1,000 feet unless provision is made for an interim turnaround with a radius sufficient to accommodate emergency vehicles and/or a median entrance. (See division (I) below.) A turnaround shall be provided at the enclosed end having an outside roadway diameter of at least 86 feet edge-to-edge of pavement and a street right-of-way diameter of 110 feet. No obstructions shall be permitted in the cul-de-sac turnaround.
(H) Stub streets. Access shall be provided to adjoining property not yet subdivided. Proposed streets shall be extended by dedication to the boundary of such unsubdivided property. At the end of all temporary stub streets, a barricade meeting the provisions of the Illinois Manual on Uniform Traffic-Control Devices shall be installed by the subdivider. Stub streets in excess of 250 feet shall be provided with a temporary cul-de-sac with an outside roadway diameter of at least 90 feet. The type of construction shall be determined by the village’s consulting engineer. The subdivider shall dedicate a temporary easement to the appropriate street authority in the amount needed in excess of the normally required right-of-way for the temporary turnaround. When the street is extended in the future, the extra turnaround pavement shall be removed and curb and gutters and sidewalks constructed by the subdivider developing the adjacent property.
(I) Multiple access. Any area of development containing 70 or more single-family lots (or equivalent population) shall be served by two functioning points of access. Where higher densities of development are proposed, a divided type entrance roadway may suffice with a median of adequate width to ensure continued emergency access lanes on one side. Depending on location and height of nearby poles or trees, the required median width shall range between 12 and 30 feet. This type of roadway construction is intended to accommodate higher density developments and not to lengthen the overall length of a cul-de-sac.
(J) Restriction of access. When a subdivision or a portion of it adjoins a major or minor arterial, no lot shall have direct access to the arterial. The lot shall have adequate depth for screen planting on the portion of the lot contiguous to the major or minor arterial.
(K) Street names and street signs.
(1) A proposed street that is in alignment with and/or joins an existing named street shall bear the name of the existing street. In no case shall the proposed name of a street duplicate the name of an existing street within the plat jurisdiction of this chapter. The use of the suffix “street”, “avenue”, “boulevard”, “driveway”, “place”, “court” or similar description shall not be a distinction sufficient to constitute compliance with this requirement.
(2) Street names signs shall be erected at all intersections within the village’s jurisdiction at the expense of the subdivider and shall be subject to the specifications of the Illinois Manual on Uniform Traffic-Control Devices.
(L) Private streets. There shall be no private streets platted in any subdivision. Every subdivision lot shall be served from a publicly dedicated street.
(M) Alleys. Alleys are not recommended in residential subdivisions unless deemed necessary by the Planning Commission.
(N) Ramps. Where sidewalks cross a barrier type curb and gutter as described in division (E) above, ramps shall be constructed to accommodate the disabled. These ramps shall be constructed to IDOT standards. Inlets for storm drainage shall not be located so that a pedestrian way will be interrupted by the inlet grates. Other locations where these ramps are required shall be determined by the village’s consulting engineer.
(O) Typical street section.
(P) Medians and islands.
(1) Where medians or islands are proposed they shall be constructed with barrier curbing. All medians and islands shall be the responsibility of the subdivider and/or a subdivision association to maintain. No sign may be installed in the median which blocks the sight distance at the intersection. If such a sign is to be installed, detailed plans for the sign shall be submitted with the construction plans for approval. In no case shall an island or median contain any other sign or structure, except as may be placed for traffic control under the direction of the village’s consulting engineer.
(2) The subdivider or subdivision association may landscape medians or islands. Ground cover may not exceed a maximum height of 12 inches. Any additional living plant material must be maintained to allow visibility across, over or through medians and islands at a height of three to ten feet above the adjacent roadway pavements.
(Prior Code, § 150.041) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)