Building Code
151.01 Adoption of International Building Code
151.02 Adoption of One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code
151.03 Exceptions to adoption by reference
151.04 Maintenance of records by Clerk
151.05 Creation of office to enforce Code
151.06 Appeals from decisions of the Building Code Administrator
151.07 Inspection and enforcement
151.08 Building and demolition permits
151.09 Inspections and certificates of occupancy
151.10 Stop work orders
151.11 Resolution of conflicts among codes
151.12 Grandfather clause
151.13 Adoption of International Property Maintenance Code
Unsafe, Dangerous Buildings
151.25 Definition of “dangerous building”
151.26 Nuisance declared
151.27 Abatement procedures
151.28 Dangerous buildings prohibited; occupancy of dangerous buildings prohibited
151.99 Penalty
Pursuant to § 1-3-1 of the Illinois Municipal Code, the 2018 edition of the International Building Codes, as published by the International Code Council (“the IBC”), is hereby adopted as the Building Code of the village. The IBC shall control all matters concerning the construction, alteration, addition, repair, removal, demolition, use, location, occupancy and maintenance of all buildings and structures, other than one- and two-family dwellings, and shall apply to existing or proposed building and structures, except if such matters are otherwise provided for in this subchapter or in other ordinances or statutes or rules or regulations of the village.
(Prior Code, § 156.001) (Ord. 2007-016, passed 5-21-2007; Ord. 2011-003, passed 3-21-2011; Ord. 23-13, passed 8-21-23)
Pursuant to § 1-3-1 of the Illinois Municipal Code, the 2018 edition of the International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings as published by the International Code Council (the “IRC”), is hereby adopted by reference as the One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code of the village. The IRC shall control all matters concerning construction, prefabrication, alteration, repair, use, occupancy and maintenance of detached one- or two-family dwellings and one-family townhouses not more than three stories in height, and their accessory structures.
(Prior Code, § 156.002) (Ord. 2007-016, passed 5-21-2007; Ord. 23-13, passed 8-21-23)
(A) Certain sections of the codes adopted by reference in this subchapter shall be of no force and effect, as follows:
(1) Any provision of the codes pertaining to penalties for violation thereof;
(2) Any section of the codes pertaining to construction inspection and inspection fees;
(3) Any section of the codes pertaining to appeals; and
(4) Any provision of any of the above codes, other than the Illinois Plumbing Code, relating to plumbing.
(B) It is the intent of this subchapter that the State of Illinois Plumbing Code shall control all matters relating to plumbing.
(Prior Code, § 156.003) (Ord. 2007-016, passed 5-21-2007)
The Village Clerk shall place on file three copies of each of the IBC and IRC and shall keep such copies in the office of the Clerk and shall make such codes available for public use, inspection and examination.
(Prior Code, § 156.004) (Ord. 2007-016, passed 5-21-2007)
There is hereby created the Office of Building Code Administrator. The Building Code Administrator shall have the powers and duties of the code official as defined in the IBC and IRC, and may have other duties prescribed by the Village Board not related to his or her duties as Building Code Administrator. The Building Code Administrator shall be an officer of the village appointed by the Village President with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees for an indefinite term not to exceed the term of office of the Village President who appointed him or her.
(Prior Code, § 156.005) (Ord. 2007-016, passed 5-21-2007)