(A)   The owner or occupant, lessee or contract for deed buyer, of any single-family residence or duplex property shall provide, or cause to be provided a receptacle or receptacles that are:
      (1)   Clean and in good repair;
      (2)   Galvanized metal or plastic with a close-fitting metal or plastic cover;
      (3)   Water-tight;
      (4)   A capacity of not less than five, nor more than 35, gallons;
      (5)   With suitable handles for carrying; and
      (6)   Sufficient to contain the accumulation of waste material for a period of at least seven days.
   (B)   The owner, title holder of record or contract for deed buyer of any multiple-dwelling property with three or more dwelling units shall provide and maintain clean and in good repair receptacles commonly known as dumpsters. The dumpsters shall include lids which shall be kept closed at all times, except when garbage is being deposited in the dumpsters or when the dumpster is being emptied. Dumpster capacity shall be based on the number of dwelling units as follows:
      (1)   One or more cubic yards for three to four dwelling units;
      (2)   One and one-half cubic yards or more for five to six dwelling units;
      (3)   Two cubic yards or more for seven to eight dwelling units; and
      (4)   An additional one-half cubic yard shall be required for every additional two dwelling units over eight units.
   (C)   An owner of a multiple-dwelling property with four or more dwelling units may petition in writing to the Administrator of Public Health for an exemption from the dumpster requirements set forth above. On receipt of the petition the Administrator or a designee shall inspect the premises. If the director of a designee decides that the receptacle facilities for the multiple-dwelling residence are adequate and do not present a hazard to the public health and safety, a permit to exempt the residence from the dumpster requirement shall be issued. This permit may be revoked if, at any time, the receptacle facilities become inadequate for the residence or present a hazard to the public health and safety.
   (D)   In all cases, it shall be the ultimate responsibility of the owner, title holder or contract for deed buyer to provide the proper receptacles for the premises.
(Prior Code, § 130.002) (Ord. 88-015, passed 11-15-1988; Ord. 95-025, passed 10-16-1995)