   (A)   The Board of Trustees may revoke the license of a carnival operator. In such an event, no refund shall be made of any portion of such license or registration fee.
   (B)   On revocation of the carnival operator’s license, the carnival shall cease operation in its entirety. Operation of any amusement ride, amusement attraction, carnival game or concession is prohibited.
   (C)   Prior to any license revocation, the operator shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard by the Board of Trustees to rebut the basis for the proposed revocation.
   (D)   Cause for revocation shall be the violation of any provision of this subchapter; two or more violations of the Carnival and Amusement Rides Safety Act or the rules and regulation promulgated thereunder, or violation of the laws of the state or of any other state or federal statutes.
(Prior Code, § 115.027) (Ord. 88-014, passed 11-15-1988) Penalty, see § 118.99
   (A)   A carnival operator’s license shall entitle the licensee to operate a carnival within the village.
   (B)   The license required and described in this subchapter shall be a personal privilege, shall not constitute property and shall not be transferable in any manner.
(Prior Code, § 115.028) (Ord. 88-014, passed 11-15-1988)
   (A)   There shall be a license inspector or inspectors appointed by and subordinate to the President and Board of Trustees of the village.
   (B)   Without limiting the power and duties as prescribed by law and ordinances, any license inspector shall:
      (1)   Ensure that persons required to have a carnival license are, in fact, licensed;
      (2)   Ensure that all games are operated in an honest manner;
      (3)   Ensure that all amusement rides and attractions are safe and operated in a safe manner; and
      (4)   Ensure that all provisions of this subchapter are complied with.
(Prior Code, § 115.029) (Ord. 88-014, passed 11-15-1988)
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   LICENSED ESTABLISHMENT. Any retail establishment which is licensed under Ch. 111 of this code of ordinances and where alcoholic liquor is drawn, poured, mixed or otherwise served for consumption on the premises.
   LICENSED FRATERNAL ESTABLISHMENT. The location where a qualified fraternal organization that derives its charter from a national fraternal organization regularly meets.
   LICENSED LARGE TRUCK STOP ESTABLISHMENT. A facility located within three road miles from a freeway interchange, as measured in accordance with the Department of Transportation's rules regarding the criteria for the installation of business signs: (1) that is at least a three-acre facility with a convenience store, (2) with separate diesel islands for fueling commercial motor vehicles, (3) that sells at retail more than 50,000 gallons of diesel or biodiesel fuel per month, and (4) with parking spaces for commercial motor vehicles. COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLES has the same meaning as defined in § 18b-101 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. The requirement of item (3) of this definition may be met by showing that estimated future sales or past sales average at least 50,000 gallons per month.
   LICENSED TRUCK STOP ESTABLISHMENT. A facility (1) that is at least a three-acre facility with a convenience store, (2) with separate diesel islands for fueling commercial motor vehicles, (3) that sells at retail more than 10,000 gallons of diesel or biodiesel fuel per month, and (4) with parking spaces for commercial motor vehicles. COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLES has the same meaning as defined in § 18b-101 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. The requirement of item (3) of this definition may be met by showing that estimated future sales or past sales average at least 10,000 gallons per month.
   LICENSED VETERANS' ESTABLISHMENT. The location where a qualified veterans’ organization that derives its charter from a national veterans organization regularly meets.
      (1)   Any electronic video game machine that, upon insertion of cash, is available to play or simulate the play of a video game, including, but not limited to, video poker, line up and blackjack, as authorized by the State Gaming Board utilizing a video display and microprocessors in which the player may receive free games or credits that can be redeemed for cash.
      (2)   The term does not include a machine that directly dispenses coins, cash or tokens or is for amusement purposes only.
(Ord. 12-010, passed 6-18-2012; Ord. 22-007, passed 4-18-2022; Ord. 22-17, passed 8-29-2022)