For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
JUNK. Scrap and iron, steel, chain, brass, copper, magnesium, aluminum, tin, lead or other base metals, scrap lumber, old rope, old bags, rags, waste paper, paper clippings, scraps of woolens, clips, bagging, rubber and glass, and empty bottles of different kinds and sizes, any wrecked or dilapidated motor vehicle, engine or machinery, and all articles and things discarded or no longer used as a manufactured article composed of or consisting of any one or more of the materials or articles herein mentioned.
JUNK DEALER. Every person, firm, partnership or corporation that shall engage in the business of buying, selling, bartering or exchanging, or that shall collect, receive, store or hold in possession for sale, barter or exchange, any of the things in and by this section defined as “junk”.
JUNKYARD. The premises on which a junk dealer is engaged in the business of buying, selling, bartering, exchanging or collecting, receiving, storing or holding in possession for sale, barter or exchange, any of the things in and by this section defined as “junk”.
(Prior Code, § 113.001) (Ord. 181, passed 1-16-1968)
The minimum physical requirements at all times for each junkyard shall be as follows.
(A) The premises where the junkyard is located shall not have more than two entrances thereto and two exits therefrom, each of which shall not exceed 15 feet in width at the perimeter of the premises.
(B) The premises where the junkyard is located shall be enclosed on its perimeter with a solid, non-transparent, vertical wall or fence of a minimum height of seven feet measured from ground level, excepting for the entrances and exits permitted by division (A) above.
(C) The aforesaid solid, non-transparent wall or fence, and the gates or doors, if any, at the aforesaid entrances and exits, shall not contain any sign, poster or advertising matter of any kind whatsoever, excepting one sign of the licensee thereon not exceeding 100 square feet in size.
(D) The public streets and alleys adjacent to the junkyard shall not have junk thereon.
(Prior Code, § 113.002) (Ord. 181, passed 1-16-1968) Penalty, see § 114.99
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, partnership or corporation to keep, maintain, conduct or operate a junkyard within the corporate limits of the village without first obtaining a license so to do as herein provided. A separate license shall be secured for each junkyard located on non-contiguous lots, blocks, tracts or parcels of land.
(Prior Code, § 113.003) (Ord. 181, passed 1-16-1968) Penalty, see § 114.99
Before any license under the provisions of this chapter is issued, any person, firm, partnership or corporation desiring to operate a junkyard in the village shall first make a verified application in writing to the Village Clerk, stating thereon the full name of the applicant, his or her residence address, the trade name of the applicant, the legal description of the premises where the junkyard is to be located, the size and approximate location of each entrance thereto and exit therefrom, whether or not the premises where the junkyard is to be located is enclosed on its perimeter with a solid, non-transparent wall or fence of a minimum height of seven feet measured from ground level, excepting the entrances and exits, and whether or not the public streets and alleys adjacent to the premises where the junkyard is to be located has junk thereon. If the applicant is a firm or partnership, the names and residence addresses of all the partners and, in case of a corporation, the names and residence addresses of the president and secretary, shall be stated in the application.
(Prior Code, § 113.004) (Ord. 181, passed 1-16-1968)
Any applicant for a license to keep, maintain, conduct or operate a junkyard shall be disqualified for any of the following reasons:
(A) Not a person of good character;
(B) Falsification of an application for a license hereunder;
(C) License for a junkyard theretofore issued to the applicant has been revoked during the preceding 24 months; and/or
(D) Failure to meet any one of the minimum physical requirements for a junkyard, as specified in § 114.02 of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 113.005) (Ord. 181, passed 1-16-1968)
(A) Any and all licenses issued hereunder shall state that such license is issued in the name of the junk dealer solely for the purpose of keeping, maintaining, conducting and operating a junkyard, the expiration date thereof, the legal description of the premises where the junkyard is to be located, that such license shall be used and the privileges thereof exercised only at the described premises, and that such license is non-assignable and non-transferable.
(B) Such license shall further provide that it is issued subject to all the provisions of this chapter; that, upon the first conviction for a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, in addition to the fine, such junkyard shall remain closed for a period of 30 days; that, upon the second conviction for a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, such license shall become null and void, and the licensee shall forfeit all sums paid for such license, and that the licensee by the acceptance of such license expressly agrees to all the terms and conditions thereof and to the terms and provisions of this chapter, and all amendments thereof.
(Prior Code, § 113.006) (Ord. 181, passed 1-16-1968)