When any ordinance or part thereof shall be repealed or modified by a subsequent ordinance, the ordinances or part thereof, so repealed or modified, shall continue in force until the taking effect of the ordinance repealing or modifying the same. No ordinance or part thereof repealed by the President and Board of Trustees shall be deemed to be revived by the repeal of the repealing ordinance, unless it shall be therein so expressly provided.
(Prior Code, § 11.005)
No suit, proceeding, fine, penalty, forfeiture, debt, right or other liability whatever, instituted, incurred, created, given repeal or modification, shall be annulled, released, discharged or, in any way, affected by the passage of the repealing or modifying ordinance; but the same may be prosecuted, recovered, completed and enjoyed, as fully in all respects as if the ordinance or part thereof had remained in full force, unless otherwise expressly provided in the ordinance making the repeal.
(Prior Code, § 11.006)
When any fine or penalty shall be provided by different ordinances, or by different sections or clauses of the ordinances of the village, for the same offense, the officer or person prosecuting may elect under which ordinance or section to proceed; but not more than one recovery shall be had against the same person for the same offense.
(Prior Code, § 11.007)
When the provisions of different ordinances, or of the different portions of any ordinances, conflict with or contravene each other, the provisions and requirements of each ordinance or chapter shall prevail as to all subjects, matters and questions arising out of or embraced within the subject matter thereof. But, if different or conflicting provisions be found in different sections of the same ordinance, the provisions of the section which is last in numerical order shall prevail, unless the construction would be repugnant to or inconsistent with the meaning of the ordinance or chapter.
(Prior Code, § 11.010)
All general provisions, terms, phrases and expressions, used in this or any ordinance hereafter passed, shall be liberally construed, in order that the true intent and meaning of the President and Board of Trustees may be carried out.
(Prior Code, § 11.011)
All ordinances of the village imposing any fine, penalty, imprisonment or forfeiture, or making any appropriation, shall, within ten days after they are passed, be published by the Village Clerk once, in a secular newspaper of general circulation published in the village, or by publication in book or pamphlet form by authority of the village officials in accordance with the state statutes, and the ordinances shall take effect ten days after they are so published. All other ordinances, resolutions and orders shall take effect and be in force from and after their passage and approval, unless by statute or therein otherwise provided.
(Prior Code, § 11.012) (Ord. 75-005, passed 4-1-1975)