(A)   The regulations, standards and specifications governing the installation, repair, maintenance, alteration or extension of a plumbing system, as defined by statute, established and adopted by the Illinois Department of Public Health in effect as of 1993, the same having been published in book form, be and they are hereby adopted as the plumbing code of the Village, by reference thereto and the regulations, standards and specifications thereof and therein contained are made a part of this Code as though fully set forth and written herein, except as herein excepted and modified.
   (B)   At least three (3) copies of said regulations, in book form, have been on file in the office of the Village Clerk, for use and examination by the public, in excess of thirty (30) days prior to the adoption of this Section.
   (C)   It is unlawful to violate or fail to comply with those regulations.
   (D)   Should any of the regulations hereby adopted conflict with any of the regulations now contained in this Code, that regulation which is more restrictive shall control.
   (E)   Whenever the word "department" is used in the code hereby adopted, it shall mean the Building Department of the Village.
   (F)   All applications for permits shall be filed with the Village Clerk who shall be responsible for the issuance thereof. (Ord. 1996-06, 12-19-1996)