(A)   Annual Inspection Of Nonresidential And Nondwelling Buildings And Structures:
      1.   The Building Commissioner and his assistants shall make an annual inspection of all theaters and places of amusement, worship, instruction, entertainment, and all other buildings and structures, except dwellings and residences, and also an annual inspection of all stairways, means of egress and all such other inspections of all stairways. It shall be the duty of every owner, agent, lessee, or occupant of any such building or structure in charge or control of the same to permit the making of such inspection by the Building Commissioner or by a duly authorized assistant at any time upon demand being duly made.
      2.   Where the result of such inspection shall show that such building or structure fails in any respect to comply with the provisions of the building regulations of the Village, it shall be the duty of the Building Commissioner to notify the owner, agent, lessee or occupant of such building or structure of the deficiency or deficiencies and to specify wherein such building or structure fails to comply with the building regulations; and it shall thereupon become the joint and several duty of such owner, agent, lessee, and occupant to proceed forthwith to make whatever changes, alterations, or repairs may be necessary to make such building or structure comply in all respects with the building regulations of the Village, and to complete such changes, alterations, and repairs within thirty (30) days after receipt of such notice.
      3.   Upon making such annual inspection, it shall be the duty of the owner, agent, lessee, or occupant to pay to the Village a reinspection fee for same if more than one reinspection is required as a result of the owner's, agent's, lessee's, or occupant's failure to make timely changes, alterations, or repairs in response to the notice of the initial inspection. The reinspection fee shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00); provided, however, that no charge for such reinspection shall be made against religious, charitable or educational institutions.
   (B)   Inspection Stamp Requirement Upon Transfer Of Nonresidential And Nondwelling Buildings And Structures:
      1.   Inspection Required: No owner, agent, or person in charge of any building or structure, except residential and dwelling units, shall sell, convey, quit claim, trade, or otherwise transfer same unless said building or structure shall have been inspected and determined to be in compliance with all of the provisions of the building regulations of the Village, as evidenced by an inspection stamp issued by the Building Commissioner.
      2.   Transfers Of Ownership: The requirement of inspection, obtaining the inspection stamp, and payment of inspection fees shall be mandatory on all transfers of ownership of or beneficial interest in all buildings and structures within the Village. This requirement shall further be reflected on all real estate title insurance reports conducted precedent to the transfer of ownership to give public notice of the mandatory inspection and issuance of the inspection stamp. Copies of this Section shall be sent to all title insurance companies with notice that the mandatory inspection and inspection stamp is required on any transfer of ownership of real estate in the Village.
      3.   Application For Inspection Stamp: Any person owning real estate located within the Village shall, at the time of offering the real estate for sale or transfer, but not less than twenty one (21) days prior to any proposed sale, assignment or other transfer of any legal or beneficial interest of said real estate, file an application for an inspection stamp with the Building Department. In addition to the completed transfer stamp application, the following items shall be submitted with the application or delivered prior to the issuance of the applied for transfer stamp:
         (a)   A completed and signed New Property Owner Form of the grantee; and
         (b)   A copy of the deed, assignment, or other instrument of conveyance or transfer involved in the subject transaction, the names of the grantor and grantee, and a legal description, permanent index number(s), and common address of the property to which it relates; and
         (c)   A signed copy of the real estate transfer declaration filed pursuant to Section 31-25 of the Real Estate Transfer Tax Law, 35 ILCS 200/31-25; and
         (d)   A Plat of Survey, except where the real estate is a condominium, shall be provided by the applicant to the village that conforms to the current Minimum Standard of Practice for boundary surveys, is dated not more than six (6) months prior to the date of Closing, and is prepared by a professional land surveyor licensed to practice land surveying under the laws of the State of Illinois. The Plat of Survey shall show visible evidence of improvements, rights of way, easements, use and measurements of all parcel lines. The Plat of Survey shall include the following statement placed near the professional land surveyor's seal and signature: "This professional service conforms to the current Illinois Minimum Standards for a boundary survey.
         (e)   All outstanding fees or fines due the Village of River Grove at the time of sale shall be paid including without limitation property maintenance fees, adjudicated violations and fines levied."
         (f)   On the day of or the day before the scheduled closing the applicant shall request a final water reading and invoice therefor, and the invoice shall be paid before the issuance of the transfer stamp.
      4.   Inspection: Upon request of the owner, agent or other persons authorized to sell a building or a structure (hereinafter referred to as "applicant"), the Building Commissioner or his designee will be available at an appointed time within ten (10) working days agreed upon by himself and the applicant, or later if applicant requests, to inspect such building or structure. The term “ten (10) working days” in this instance shall mean any ten (10) business days from the date the applicant delivers the application to the Village, during regular business hours.
      5.   Issuance: If such inspection establishes that the building or the structure complies with the provisions of the building regulations of the Village, then the Building Commissioner shall issue an transfer inspection stamp for said building or structure which shall be affixed upon the original deed or document of transfer before recording. The transfer inspection stamp shall be provided to the applicant and attached to a copy of the inspection report for the property. The inspection stamp shall indicate the date of inspection; and that such building or structure complies with the requirements of the Village's Real Estate Transfer Ordinance. A record of all inspection stamps shall be kept on file in the office of the Building Department and copies shall be furnished, upon request, to any person having an interest or tenancy interest in the building or structure affected.
      6.   Inspection Report: Said inspection shall be governed by the then current inspection report prepared and posted by the Building Department of the Village.
   (C)   Fees: All inspection and re-inspection fees shall be in accordance with the current fee schedule of the Village, and all re-inspection fees shall be payable prior to any reinspection. No inspection stamp shall be issued without payment first of all inspection and re-inspection fees being paid to the Village.
(Ord. 2001-09, 11-15-2001; amd. Ord. 2024-16, 6-17-2024)