It is unlawful to obtain service from the water system of this village without first securing a permit so to do. Any person, firm or corporation wishing such water service to any building, structure or premises shall file application therefor, in writing, with the village clerk, who shall process same through the appropriate departments for investigation. Applicant and the owner of the premises shall answer truthfully all questions of the personnel of the village investigating the application relative thereto or the proposed use of the service.
Applicant and owner shall be jointly and severally responsible for the payment of any water or water services supplied as a result of such application until notice is given in writing to the Village at least ten (10) days in advance that such services be terminated.
By making application, applicant and owner shall be deemed to have authorized the Village to terminate service without notice after a default in payment for such water and/or service for a period of sixty (60) days. Partial payment shall not toll the sixty (60) day period without express agreement, in writing, signed by a duly authorized officer of the Village. (Ord. 1980-20, 12-5-1980)