No water main shall be tapped nor shall any connection be made with any service or supply pipe until an application in writing shall first have been made to the president of the village and the committee on sewer and water, and until such permission shall have been granted.
Such application shall set forth a true legal description of the premises which it is proposed to serve, the name and address of the person about to perform the work, and size of the tap desired.
No water main shall be tapped other than by a tapper employed by the village of River Grove and all tapping shall be performed only under the authority of the president of the village and the committee on sewer and water.
No person, firm or corporation to whom permission is granted to connect any service or supply pipe under the provisions of this section shall permit any person to take service therefrom unless a permit for such use has been granted by the president of the village and the committee on sewer and water, and in the absence of such permission the new service or supply pipe shall be turned off at the curb stopcock, and such stopcock shall not again be turned on until proper permit shall be in the possession of the person about to perform such turning on. (Rev. Ord. amended 5-11-1961)