No connection shall be made with any public sewer or drain without the written permission of the president of the village and the chairman of the committee on sewer and water; and the committee on sewer and water is hereby authorized to exact a license fee for permission to connect with any sewer or drain, to be fixed by such committee, which said license fee shall be equal to an amount sufficient to defray the expense imposed upon the village, in consequence of granting such permission; the said license fee, however, to be not less than five dollars ($5.00) for each connection. Any person making any connection or opening into any sewer or drain without such permission, or in a manner different from the mode prescribed by the said committee, shall be fined not less than twenty five dollars ($25.00) for each offense and a further fine of twenty five dollars ($25.00) for each and every day such unauthorized connection or opening shall continue. Any person obtaining a permit to make any connection under the provisions of this chapter shall in any event agree in writing that the work will be performed by a competent drain layer, and that all provisions of this code in relation to excavating the streets shall be complied with, and further that such applicant will indemnify the village for any damages or costs to which it may be put by reason of injuries resulting from neglect or carelessness in performing the work so permitted. (Rev. Ord. amended 5-11-1961)