(A)   It shall be the duty of the director of emergency services, if within his or her power, to attend all fires, and in case of his or her absence at any fire, it shall be the duty of the senior officer in command of the fire company first on the ground at such fire to take charge of the fire operations division, and during the absence of the chief, he or she shall have and exercise all the powers of the fire chief. (Ord. 2000-24, 12-21-2000)
   (B)   Within thirty (30) days of being appointed by the corporate authorities, the director of emergency services shall appoint the following command officers: a deputy fire chief, an assistant chief of fire suppression operations, a captain of fire suppression operations, a secretary, a deputy chief of emergency medical services, a lieutenant of fire division training, a lieutenant of fire division equipment and maintenance, a lieutenant of fire division special response operations, twelve (12) shift lieutenants, and a chief engineer, and shall within said time, submit the name and qualifications of the candidates to the corporate authorities for confirmation. To qualify for the positions of deputy fire chief, assistant chief of administration, or a lieutenant of the fire division, an individual must possess firefighter III certification; hazardous materials first responder certification; and EMT-A certification in addition to any other requirements established by resolution of the corporate authorities or the rules and regulations of the department. (Ord. 2006-13, 6-1-2006)