A detail is hereby established within the police department which shall be known as the special investigation division, having the duties, powers and staffed as follows:
   (A)   The president may appoint, as provided in this code, such number of persons, serving at his pleasure, to this division as may be required to carry out its functions, which appointments may be, but need not be, from among the members of the police department. (Ord. 1977-11, 6-16-1977)
   (B)   This division shall be under the supervision of the director of police and may make any investigation or studies and shall perform such special or other duties as may be directed by the president. (Ord. 1977-11, 6-16-1977; amd. Ord. 2006-27, 10-5-2006)
   (C)   All persons appointed to this division shall be subject to the removal at any time, without or with cause, and without any hearing, by the president.
   (D)   Members of this division shall have the powers and authority of regular police officers while in the performance of their duties. (Ord. 1977-11, 6-16-1977)