(A)   Position Created: There is hereby created the office of deputy director of police, a position commonly referred to as deputy chief of police, and that shall consist of one (1) position. The deputy director of police shall be a position exempt from appointment by the board of fire and police commissioners. The deputy director of police shall be hired by the director of police with the concurrence and an appointment by the president of the village board. To qualify for an appointment as deputy director of police, the individual shall: (1) be certified police officer who has at a minimum attained the rank of sergeant or its equivalent; and (2) possess a bachelor’s or higher degree from an accredited university of college prior to appointment. Compensation for the deputy director of police position shall be fixed by the president and board of trustees in the annual appropriation ordinance.
   (B)   Powers And Duties Of Deputy Director Of Police: The deputy director of police shall serve at the direction and discretion of the director of police, and shall perform those duties and services as required by the director of police. In the event the director of police is not available to perform his or her duties, the deputy director of police shall have the same powers and duties generally as that of the director of police within his or her respective areas of concern or as otherwise provided by the director of police or in his or her absence. The deputy director of police reports directly to the director of police. In the absence of the director of police, the deputy director of police shall report directly to the village president. (Ord. 2020-24, 11-19-2020)