In addition to those activities and conditions which are elsewhere declared to be and constitute nuisances, it is hereby declared to be a nuisance and unlawful for any person:
   (A)   To so negligently conduct any business or use any premises as to create such an offensive smell as may taint the air and render it unwholesome or disagreeable to the neighborhood.
   (B)   To cause or suffer the carcass of any animal, or any animal or vegetable matter, slops, swill, suds, garbage, filth, stable drippings or offal or noisome substance of any kind to be collected, deposited or remain in any place to the prejudice of others.
   (C)   To deposit night soil, dead animals or other filthy, offensive or noisome substance upon any lot, parkway, street, alley, highway, park or other place.
   (D)   To corrupt or render unwholesome or impure the water of any portion of the municipal water system, drinking hydrant, spring, stream or pond to the injury or prejudice of others.
   (E)   To obstruct or encroach upon any public highways, private ways, streets, alleys, parkways and commons.
   (F)   To establish, maintain or carry on any offensive or unwholesome business within the limits of the village.
   (G)   To establish a cemetery within the corporate limits of the village of River Grove without first having obtained permission so to do.
   (H)   For any person to permit or suffer any slops, swill, garbage, stable drippings, offal, refuse, animal or vegetable matter, which is liable to become putrid or offensive or injurious to health, to remain on any premises used or occupied by the person, for a longer period than four (4) hours at any one time.
   (I)   To keep or suffer to be kept any chicken coop, cow house, stable, cellar, vault drain, pool, privy, sewer or sink, upon any premises belonging to or occupied by the person, or any railroad car, building, yard, grounds and premises belonging to or occupied by the person.
   (J)   To own, keep or use any railroad car, yard, pen, place or premises in or upon which cattle or swine or other nonhousehold pets are to be confined or kept so as to be offensive to those residing in the vicinity, or an annoyance to others.
   (K)   To erect, continue or use any building or other place for the exercise of any trade, employment or manufacture which, by occasioning noxious exhalations, offensive smells or otherwise is offensive or dangerous to the health of individuals or of the public.
   (L)   To locate and carry on, without having obtained permission of the village board of trustees so to do, any packinghouse or renderies within the limits of said village.
   (M)   To locate without first having obtained permission of the board of trustees so to do, any brewery or distillery.
   (N)   To maintain any premises within the village in such condition that it is especially liable to fire and constitutes or creates a fire hazard.
   (O)   To maintain any premises within the village in such condition that it is dangerous to the public health and which may cause or aid in the spread of disease or injury to the health and welfare of the occupants of it or neighboring premises.
   (P)   For any person to permit a domestic animal owned, kept or maintained by the person to be on property owned or maintained by another, without the consent of such person, or to permit such animal to deposit thereon bodily excrement, either solid or liquid.
   (Q)   For any person to slaughter or kill any animal, or keep or maintain or use any house or place in which the business of slaughtering any such animals may be carried on in the village.
For the purpose of this section, one who owns, keeps or maintains a domestic animal which is running at large shall be deemed to have permitted the prohibited conduct. (Ord. 2009-08, 6-18-2009)