In an R1 district, buildings shall be set back from every lot line to provide an open yard in accordance with the following regulations. Every yard shall be unobstructed from ground level to sky except as allowed in subsection 10-20-2A of this title.
   A.   Front Yard: The required front yard setback shall be calculated as the average of the existing front yard setbacks as measured from the front lot line to the principal structure along the same side of the street and on the same block. The shortest and longest setbacks along the same side of the same block shall be eliminated in the making of the computation.
      1.   Through Lots: Shall provide the required front yard on both streets.
      2.   Corner Lots: Shall have its required front yard on the lot's primary street; such street being the street which has the greatest distance between the two cross streets forming the block frontage. On the secondary street the front yard shall be a minimum of thirteen feet for a fifty foot wide lot, however the secondary street's front yard shall be increased by two feet for each five foot increase in lot width (or portion thereof) to a maximum secondary front yard depth of twenty five feet, and provided further that no accessory building on a corner lot shall project beyond that front yard line established for each street.
      3.   Front Porches: All front porches built or modified after the effective date of this section shall comply with the following standards:
         a.   Maximum Encroachment Into Setbacks: A front porch shall not extend into a front yard more than eleven feet for a building having a front yard deeper than fifty feet. Where the front yard is fifty feet or less in depth, such front porch shall not extend into the front yard more than ten feet or twenty percent of the depth of the front yard, whichever is less.
         b.   Size Of Porch: A front porch that encroaches into a front yard shall have a minimum surface deck area of fifty square feet. The total area of any encroachment of the porch into a front yard shall not exceed three hundred square feet. In the case of a porch intended to wrap around to the side of a residence (including a porch that would encroach into the required setback of a secondary front yard), the side portion of the porch shall not exceed one hundred twenty five square feet and shall conform to all other requirements of this section.
         c.   Depth Of Porch: The minimum depth of the porch shall not be less than five feet and the maximum depth of the porch shall not exceed twelve and one-half feet.
         d.   Enclosure Prohibited: Other than by a roof, the front porch shall be open and shall not be enclosed by any materials, including, without limitation, glass or screens.
         e.   Railings: A railing not exceeding forty two inches in height measured from the floor of the porch may be provided on the periphery of the front porch.
         f.   Noninhabitable Space: A front porch shall not have any deck, flooring, or inhabitable space above the first floor level.
         g.   Modification Of Existing Porches: An existing front porch that encroaches into a front yard or a secondary front yard may be modified in compliance with the standards in this section.
         h.   Previously Enclosed Porches: Dwelling units with existing porches that have previously been enclosed and which encroach into a front yard or a secondary front yard shall not be eligible for porches permitted by this subsection.
         i.   Front Porch Shall Not Affect The Average Allowable Setback: Front porches shall not be included in calculating the average front yard setback.
   B.   Rear Yard: A rear yard shall have a depth of not less than fifteen percent of the depth of the lot or twenty six feet two inches, whichever is greater. Provided, however, that accessory buildings may be constructed within the rear yard but no closer than three feet from any lot line.
   C.   Side Yards:
      1.   Requirements: The required minimum side yard setback shall be ten percent of the lot width or five feet, whichever is greater, and the minimum required combined side yard setback shall be twenty five percent of the lot width, or ten feet, whichever is greater as measured to the exterior wall of the structure. (Ord. 3460, 10-8-2012)
      2.   Exceptions:
         a.   Eaves: The eaves of a structure shall be required to maintain a minimum three foot side yard setback. The eave of an addition, where the eave of the existing structure does not meet this standard, may be constructed with a side yard equal to the existing nonconforming side yard of that eave. (Ord. 3743, 4-22-2019)
         b.   Additions: An addition to an existing structure that does not meet this standard must maintain either a three foot side yard or a side yard that is the same width as the current side yard, whichever is wider. A nonconforming wall built along a nonconforming side yard may be extended an additional twenty feet as of right into the nonconforming side yard, and the height of a wall that maintains a nonconforming side yard setback may not be increased.
         c.   Accessory Structures: An accessory structure may be constructed with a side yard of no less than three feet, provided that the entire accessory structure is within the rear thirty percent of the subject lot (as measured from the front property line to the rear property line). The eaves of a detached accessory structure shall be permitted to encroach a maximum of one foot into a required yard setback.
         d.   Standards: The standards set forth in this section shall be applied separately to each side yard of an existing or proposed structure or addition.
   D.   Attached Front Garage Projection: Attached front garages can project a maximum of twelve feet in front of the primary front plane elevation (as illustrated below) on lots with a width of sixty feet or less.
(Ord. 3460, 10-8-2012)