In the R1 district, a building erected or structurally altered after the effective date hereof shall not exceed thirty five feet in height and shall not exceed two and one-half stories for a lot with a width less than one hundred feet. A building erected or structurally altered after the effective date hereof shall not exceed forty feet in height and shall not exceed two and one-half stories for a lot with a width of one hundred feet or greater.
   A.   Accessory Buildings: An accessory building or structure erected or structurally altered shall not exceed eighteen feet in height or one and one-half stories, whichever is less, and an accessory building shall not include an inhabitable second floor.
   B.   Exceptions: Any building or accessory building erected or structurally altered prior to the effective date hereof which is damaged by fire, explosion or act of God may be restored or reconstructed to its height prior to said occurrence. The burden of proving what the height of a building was prior to the damage rests solely on the person invoking this provision. (Ord. 3105, 3-28-2005)