In determining whether to approve a special event permit, the village administrator shall consider the following factors relevant to the proposed special event and necessary to secure the public welfare:
   A.   Whether village resources or property will be affected, or are reasonably expected to be affected;
   B.   Whether the special event appears to be held for any unlawful purpose;
   C.   Whether it appears the special event may be conducted in a manner so as to cause a breach of peace;
   D.   Whether the special event will unnecessarily interfere with the public use of the streets, sidewalks, open and/or public areas;
   E.   Whether the special event may have some special right or priority under the law; and
   F.   Whether the special event would, in any way, be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare.
If the village administrator denies an application for a proposed special event, the applicant may appeal that decision to the village president and board of trustees by filing a written appeal of the village administrator's decision with the village clerk within thirty days of the village administrator's denial thereof. A majority of the village president and board of trustees may overturn the village administrator's decision to deny an application for a special event. (Ord. 3472, 1-14-2013)