It shall be unlawful to keep or harbor in the Village any bear, lion, wildcat, catamount, orangutan, chimpanzee, tiger, poisonous or otherwise dangerous reptile, or any other animal which is ferae naturae or wild by nature in the eyes of the law and dangerous to mankind. Bees kept pursuant to a permit issued by the Village under chapter 14 of this title, and kept in compliance with that chapter, shall not be considered ferae naturae or wild for purposes of this section.
It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or harbor any vicious animal in the Village or any animal which is dangerous because of a propensity to injure persons. Bees kept pursuant to a permit issued by the Village under chapter 14 of this title, and kept in compliance with that chapter, shall not be considered dangerous because of a propensity to injure persons for purposes of this section, however, if the bees are vicious, even if kept in compliance with chapter 14 of this title, the bees may be declared vicious and unlawful. (Ord. 3666, 11-27-2017)