A.   Where no consent has been given to enter or inspect any property, no entry or inspection shall be made without the procurement of a warrant from the Circuit Court of Cook County. The Court may consider any of the following factors along with such other matters as it deems pertinent in its decision as to whether a warrant shall issue:
      1.   Eyewitness account of violation.
      2.   Citizen complaints.
      3.   Tenant complaints.
      4.   Plain view violations.
      5.   Violations apparent from Village records.
      6.   Property deterioration.
      7.   Age of property.
      8.   Nature of alleged violation.
      9.   Similar properties in the area.
      10.   Documented violations of similar properties in the area.
      11.   Passage of time since last inspection.
      12.   Previous violations on the property.
      13.   Overall reasonableness.
   B.   Cause for issuance of a warrant shall be deemed to exist in light of reasonable legislative and administrative standards which show that there is reason to believe that a condition of nonconformity exists with respect to a particular property in violation of a Village ordinance. (Ord. 2121, 5-23-83)