The Village wishes to provide modern, safe and generally accepted building codes. As such, the building codes as adopted herein provide for use of nationally accepted codes with minimal modifications. These building codes include performance based regulations which make possible the acceptance of new materials and methods of construction that may not be specifically recognized in the most recently adopted editions of these national codes, provided such materials and methods satisfy nationally recognized standards as the criteria for evaluation of minimum safe practice and further provided that such use of alternative materials or practices are recognized and approved by a licensed professional architect, engineer or structural engineer in the state.
The village recognizes that alterations and repairs to existing structures represent the overwhelming majority of building activity within the village and that such activity may occur without requiring the existing structure to comply with all the requirements of the code, providing the existing structure is maintained in a safe and sanitary condition. (Ord. 2503, 6-22-1992; amd. Ord. 3873, 9-12-2022)