A.   Regular Meetings: Regular meetings of the President and Board shall be held at the Village Hall on the second and fourth Monday evenings of each month at seven o'clock P.M.
   B.   Committee Of The Whole: The Village President and Board of Trustees shall meet as a Committee of the Whole on the third Monday at seven o'clock P.M. upon written call of the President, any three or more Trustees or the Village Administrator. Such call shall specify the matters that will come before the Board for discussion. Two days' previous notice thereof shall be given to each member of the Board and the public. The Committee of the Whole meetings shall be held as a means of exchanging ideas and information between the administrative staff and the Village Board. As is the case with respect to other standing committees of the Village Board, such committee may make recommendations to the full Board at its regular and special meetings.
   C.   Special Meetings: Special meetings may be held at any time on written call of the President or any three or more Trustees; such call shall specify the business that will come before the meetings and the Village Clerk shall give two days' previous notice thereof to each member of the Board.
   D.   Place Of Meetings: All meetings of the Board shall be held in the Village Hall, unless otherwise ordered by the Board.
   E.   Quorum: Four Trustees or the President and three Trustees, shall constitute a quorum to do business, but a smaller number may adjourn from time to time and may compel the attendance of absentees.
   F.   Compelling Attendance: If less than a quorum of the Trustees is present at any regular or special meeting at the time and place designated, such Trustees may instruct the Village Clerk to send immediate notice to any absent Trustee that can be found, commanding him to appear forthwith at such meeting. Any Trustee who shall receive such notice and not obey the same by appearing forthwith at such meeting as required thereby, without reasonable excuse, shall be subject to a fine of not more than fifteen dollars for each offense.
   G.   Open Meetings: Meetings of every kind and nature shall be open to the public, except where specifically exempted by statute. A meeting may be open to the public and then closed to the public for the purpose of considering matters specifically allowed to be considered at a closed meeting by statute.
   H.   Closed Meetings: No final action shall be taken at a closed meeting. Final action on a matter discussed in a closed meeting shall be preceded by a public recital of the nature of the matter being considered and other information that will inform the public of the business being conducted. A verbatim record of all closed meetings in the form of an audio or video recording shall be made and disposed of as provided by law. Minutes of meetings closed to the public shall be available only after the Village Board determines that it is no longer necessary to protect the public interest or the privacy of an individual by keeping them confidential.
   I.   Conduct Of Meetings Via Electronic Means: The Village Board may provide for the conduct of its meetings via electronic means, provided no meetings shall be held via such means until the Board shall have first promulgated rules therefor. Such rules, as amended from time to time, shall be approved by a motion of the Village Board. Participation by electronic means shall only be permitted if a quorum of the Village Board is physically present.
   J.   Public Participation: Any person shall be permitted an opportunity to address the Village Board at a public meeting during the citizen comments portion of the public meeting. Comments made are subject to rules established by the Village Board. (Ord. 3374, 5-23-2011)