(A)   Parcel size. The minimum parcel size for one tiny house dwelling shall be 1,800 square feet and adhere to the following minimum dimensions:
      (1)   Minimum width, interior lot - 30 feet;
      (2)   Minimum width, corner lot - 40 feet; and
      (3)   Minimum depth - 60 feet.
   (B)   Floor area. The total floor area of each tiny house shall not exceed 800 square feet and shall be a minimum size of 150 square feet. Exclusions from the total floor area calculation:
      (1)   Architectural projections, such as bay windows, fire places or utility closets no greater then 18 inches in depth;
      (2)   Spaces with ceiling height of five feet or less; and
      (3)   Other exemptions similar in nature provided in the intent of this title is met and upon approval of the Community Development Director.
   (C)   Lot coverage. No more than 50% of the lot may be covered by buildings.
   (D)   Height. The maximum height shall not exceed 20 feet. Structures with pitched roofs with a minimum slope of 6:12 may extend up to 30 feet at the ridge of the roof. Accessory structures will be subject to the height requirements listed in § 153.033.
   (E)   Yards.
      (1)    Front yard - ten feet.
      (2)   Side yard - four feet.
      (3)   Corner side yard - ten feet.
      (4)   Rear yard - ten feet.
      (5)   Garage - 18 feet.
      (6)   Projections may extend into the required yard distances as follows:
         (a)   Eaves may extend up to 24 inches.
         (b)   Architectural projections, such as bay windows, fireplaces, or utility closets no greater than 18 inches in depth or six feet in width.
         (c)   Minor appurtenances such as pipes, gas and electrical meters, alarm systems, air vents and downspouts no greater than 18 inches in depth.
         (d)   HVAC equipment no greater than 24 inches.
         (e)   Exterior stairways. Exterior stairways that provide access to an upper level are not allowed within the front yard.
      (7)   The minimum separation between buildings shall be consistent with the city-adopted building code.
   (F)   Fencing. Fence requirements for tiny house villages are listed in § 153.033.
   (G)   Patios and porches.
      (1)   Tiny house units may have a covered porch, or entry at least 60 square feet in size with a minimum depth of six feet and minimum width of eight feet.
      (2)   Patio or patio railing within the private open space should be semi-transparent and a maximum height of three feet.
   (H)   Lighting. Common open space areas and access driveways, drive aisles and off-street parking areas shall be provided with lighting.
   (I)   Off-street parking.
      (1)    The minimum number of parking spaces required for tiny house units shall be one parking space per dwelling unit, plus one parking space of guest parking. Guest parking may be in tandem with the off-street parking space for the tiny house unit.
      (2)   Common parking areas shall be configured in clusters and provided throughout the tiny house village development. The minimum number of parking spaces shall be 0.8 parking space per dwelling unit and the common parking area locations shall be determined by the Community Development Director on a case-by-case basis.
      (3)   Off-street parking can be located within an accessory structure such as a carport or garage, such structures shall not be attached to individual tiny house units. Uncovered parking is also permitted.
   (J)   Design standards.
      (1)   Orientation and building facades. Each building abutting a public street shall have a minimum of four of the following building elements, features, and treatments incorporated into the street-facing façade:
         (a)   Windows with visible trim and mullions or recessed windows.
         (b)   Dormers.
         (c)   Bay windows.
         (d)   Entry enhancement such as a well detailed door (multi-panel or glass insert), window adjacent to front door (sidelite).
         (e)   Variation in roof or building colors and materials, on individual units, such as brick, stone or other masonry accents.
         (f)   Other building elements, treatments, features, or site designs approved by the Community Development Director that provide variety and visual interest.
      (2)   Units that are on the interior of a development should be oriented toward the common open space or parking areas.
   (K)   Pedestrian connectivity.
      (1)   The pedestrian circulation system shall connect all main entrances on the site. For tiny house units fronting the street, the public sidewalk may be used for this standard.
      (2)   Direct pedestrian access should be provided to adjacent, publicly accessible parks, open space, and trails, transit, rideshare, and bicycle storage facilities, where feasible.
      (3)   Pedestrian walkways shall be separated from structures by at least three feet.
      (4)   Pathways in common open space and other shared areas of the development shall meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards.
   (L)   Restrictions. The size of a tiny house dwelling may not be increased beyond the maximum floor area in § 153.174(B). A deed restriction shall be placed on the property notifying future property owners of the size restriction.
(Ord. 2023-003, passed 1-24-23)