(a)    Public Sidewalks Defined.  For the purposes of this section, "public sidewalk" means any sidewalk owned, maintained, regulated or within the jurisdiction and control of the City.
   (b)    Unlawful Use of Public Sidewalks.
      (1)    It shall be unlawful for any person, agency, organization, or company to obstruct, encumber or block in any way, any public sidewalk within the City except as otherwise provided herein.
      (2)    It shall be unlawful for any person, agency, organization or company to place on public sidewalks any items including, but not limited to, any goods, merchandise, tables, chairs, benches, planters, shelves, racks, vending machines, devices employed for the sale of food and drink, signage of any kind or any other materials or displays.
      (3)    It shall further be unlawful for any person, agency, organization, or company who is the owner, tenant or occupant of any building or lot, or who has position and control of said building or lot, to allow the obstruction, encumbrance, blocking or placement of unlawful materials as defined herein on any public sidewalk, adjacent to said building or lot.
      (4)    The parking of any motor vehicle, or any portion thereof, on a City sidewalk is strictly prohibited.
   (c)    Special Use Permits.
      (1)    Recognizing that it may be beneficial to the community to allow a person, agency, organization or companies to place certain items on public sidewalks on a temporary basis, which items would otherwise be unlawful under this section, the City hereby creates a sidewalk use permit.
      (2)    Sidewalk use permits may be issued on a monthly or annual basis by the City Superintendent or the City Building Inspector and shall be limited to tables, chairs, benches, planters, paper distribution boxes and sandwich board signage.
         A.    Sandwich board signage shall be no larger than 48" in height, 24" in width and 36" in depth, nor shall they be any smaller than 36"  in height, 18" in width and 30" in depth.
         B.    Sandwich board signage shall be placed only during the hours of  operation of the business acquiring such permit and shall be removed at the end of each business day.
      (3)    The issuing agent of the City shall specify the permitted location of any tables, chairs, benches, planters and sandwich board signage and such permitted uses shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the sidewalk, measured from the narrowest point between the building and the opposite side of the sidewalk.
      (4)    No permitted use may encroach so far onto any sidewalk so as to leave less than 4 feet of passable space around the permitted encroachment.
      (5)    The issuing agent at any time may change the specified location of any permitted use.
      (6)    The issuing agent may at any time revoke a permit for noncompliance with any portion of this section.
      (7)    Sidewalk sales shall be permitted once a month, one day only:
         A.    Tables must be placed within 3" of the exterior surface of a building.
         B.    A permit is required a minimum of one day prior to the day of the  sale. (6-20-06)