(a)   Any keeper of animals and/or fowl shall cause food to be provided therefor, to be stored and kept in a ratproof, flytight building, box or receptacle.
   (b)   No keeper of any pound, kennel, coop, pen, veterinary hospital or other such place where animals or fowl may be kept or impounded, shall allow the same, by reason of want of care, food, ventilation, cleanliness or otherwise to be or to become dangerous or detrimental to human life, health or welfare.  (1960 Code 10-118)
   (c)   No person owning or having custody of any dog, cat or any other animal shall permit any such animal to defecate on any school ground, public street, alley, sidewalk, tree bank, park or any other public grounds or any private property within the City, other than the premises of the owner or person having custody of said dog, cat or other animal, unless said defecation is removed immediately and disposed of in an appropriate manner.
   (d)   Stalls, stables, pens, yards and appurtenances in which animals and fowl are kept shall at all times be maintained in a clean and wholesome condition so that no offensive odor shall be allowed to escape therefrom, and no rodents, flies or other insects will be able to breed therein, or to become attracted thereto.
   (e)   Buildings, pens, yards and appurtenances constructed for the purpose of housing and impounding of animals and fowl shall be located with adequate drainage and construction so as to facilitate routine cleaning.
   (f)   Manure shall be stacked or piled at a distance of not less than 100 feet from any building used in whole or in part as a place for human habitation or as a place where food or drink for human consumption is manufactured, stored or sold, or upon any street or public ground in the City.
(1960 Code 10-118)