(a)   Map Adopted.  There is hereby established the Zoning Map of the City of Ripley which map shall conform to the districts hereinbefore set forth and which map shall be maintained in the office of the Clerk of the City and which map is incorporated by reference herein and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein with the five zoning districts thereon established which are made a part hereof.
(1960 Code 7-302.5)
   (b)   Legend Used on Zoning Map for the City. 
      Blue:      Business-Residential, Multi-Family, Single Family, Industry
      Green:      Business and Residential
      Orange:   Business Only
      Purple:      Single Family Residential
      Red:      Single Family and Multiple Family
      (1960 Code 7-341)
   (c)   Descriptions; Amendments.
      1.   Corporate limits, West side of Rt. 21 to North end of the Chrysler garage - Business and Residential.
      2.   All property abutting the East side of Rt. 21 from Ashland Bulk Plant South to the corporate limits - Business and Residential.
      3.   All property abutting the West Side of Cedar Lakes Drive from the Ashland Bulk plant South to the King Parsons property will be single family residence only, bordered on the West side by an alley.
      4.   Area between Charleston Drive and Rt. 21 that is abutted by Walters and High School Street - Business Only.
      5.   Ashland Bulk plant lot on Charleston Drive - Business Only.
      6.   From intersection of Charleston Drive and Rt. 21 at the Ashland Bulk plant property SE along Charleston Drive to intersection of Lakeview Drive, thence East on Lakeview to west side of Lot 94 - this area North of Charleston Drive and Lakeview to Lot lines of residents in the rear - Business only.
      7.   The property between the North side of the Board of Education property line at the high school, to the South side of the lots that abut Walters Street, between Charleston Drive and the lots that abut on Third Avenue - Business, Residential and Multi-family.
         From Edison Parsons East on Rt. 33 to the corporate limits - all properties South of this line that lays East of Charleston Drive and Cedar Lakes Drive shall be Single Family Residence with exception of property owned by the U.S. Government and the Jackson County Board of Education, or other properties described 
         This includes all properties abutting the South side of Highlawn Drive; Cedar Drive and Scenic Drive; all property on First, Second and Third Avenue; Pfost Street; Walters Street; Spring Street; Park Street; Colonial Lane; School Lane; Cedarcrest Drive; Oakview Terrace; Shady Lane; Lakeview Drive; Valley Drive; Oak Court; Greenbrier Drive; Edgewood Circle; and Cedar Lakes Drive with exceptions noted.
      7A.   Point of beginning is Northwestern corner of Lot 14 Meadowbrook Addition, and bounded on the North by Valley Drive and Spring Street and fronting on Old U.S. Route 21 now called Cedar Lakes Drive and extending to Greenbrier Drive, including Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 presently owned by George Landfried, lands presently owned by the Church of Nazarene and the area designated for business lots on the map of Section 1 of Meadowbrook Addition as recorded in the County Clerks Office and with the City of Ripley, shall be Business, Residential and Multi-family excluding industrial.
      8.   Beginning at the intersection of Sycamore Road and Rt. 21, SW on Rt. 21 to Intersection of Rt. 21 and 7th Street; thence South on 7th Street to the Intersection of 7th and Main Street (U.S. 33) thence in a SE direction on Rt. 33 to where it turns East, then E. on Rt. 33 or Highlawn Drive to the corporate limits, thence North along the corporate limits to a point where the corporate limits intersect with Sycamore Road, thence West on Sycamore Road to the point of beginning at Sycamore Road and Rt. 21 - area encompassed in the above description  shall be Single Family Residence.
         This includes properties that abut on Hall Street, South side of Sycamore Road; Hillcrest Drive; East side of 7th Street; North side of Highlawn Drive or Rt. 33; Fairview Drive; Highlawn Heights; Simmons Drive; Hickory Drive; Winter Drive; Lee Street; Brent Circle; Lynn Circle; Vail Drive.
         Any cemetery within the corporate limits cannot expand beyond their present boundaries.  No business or residential property can be erected on cemetery property.
      9.   At the intersection of Sycamore Road and Rt. 21 thence North on Church Street and Rt. 21 to the corporate limits thence East on the corporate limits N-76 degrees 30 minutes E. 2376 feet; turn South 6 degrees, to where corporate limits intersect with Sycamore Road, thence West on Sycamore Road to the point of beginning at Sycamore Road and Church Street.
         Area encompassed in the above description shall be Business and Residential.
      10.   Beginning at the West side of Church Street and the South bank of existing Sycamore Creek thus following the bank of existing Sycamore Creek to where existing Sycamore Creek comes to the northwest corner of Homer Parsons properties, thus following property line to the West side of Church Street, thus following West side of Church Street to the point of beginning, shall be Business and Residential.
      11.   Beginning at the intersection of Ravenswood Pike and North Church Street to the corporate limits, all properties fronting or adjoining the west side of North Church Street back 1,000 feet shall be Business and Residential.  This excludes properties fronting Ravenswood Pike as they shall be Single Family and Multi-Family Residences.
         All properties that have boundaries on the West side of North Church Street between Sycamore Creek and Pfost Avenue shall be zoned Business or Residential.  Properties abutting Ravenswood Pike to a point opposite the West corner of properties abutting the North side of the properties abutting WV Avenue on the West side, will be Single Family and Multi-Family Residences.
         All properties West of North Church Street beginning at a point at intersection of existing Sycamore Creek and North Church Street thence north to the city limits, thence North 44 degrees, 45.1 degrees West, 2673 feet thence South 50 degrees, 45.1 degrees West 1402.5 feet, South 48 degrees, 15 minutes West, from thence point southeast where it intersects with Mill Creek to a point where it intersects with existing Sycamore Creek thence following the meanderings up existing Sycamore Creek to the point of beginning.
         All properties within the above area shall be Single or Multi-Family Residences, with the exception of the Business and Residential areas previously designated.
         This includes properties abutting on Jackson Avenue, Pfost Avenue, Grand Central Avenue, WV Avenue, Carter Street, Ripley-Ravenswood Pike, and Grandview Drive.
      12.   From the preceding zoning beginning point refer to the 1,000 feet south 48 degrees - 15 minutes east, continuing from this point 1079 feet, thence north 66 degrees - 30 minutes east to where line intersects with I-77 right-of-way, following right-of-way southwest to U.S. 33, east on U.S. 33 to intersect with west bank of existing Mill Creek, following shoreline of existing Mill Creek meandering northeast and intersecting with old county road (Ripley-Evans County Road), now not in use, southeast to intersection with old B & O. Railroad  right-of-way, following B & O right-of-way southeast to city property line, following property lines to intersection with existing Mill Creek, following the bank of existing Mill Creek northeast to the previous point referred to as the most easterly point of Mill Creek. All properties mentioned therein lying northwest of the existing Mill Creek bank point referred to in the previous zoning, this point described as the most easterly point of existing Mill Creek.  This excludes all city properties within these boundaries.
         The above area shall be Business, Residential, Single and Multi-Family or Industrial.
      12A.   Beginning at a point, said point being a corner to property now or formerly owned by National Bank of Commerce, A. Westfall and Community Health Association; thence with the division line of said Bank of Commerce and said Community Health Association, S. 23o 22' 50" E. 265.53 to a point; thence with a new line through the lands of said Bank of Commerce and being along the current City limits, S. 13 22' 50" E. 740.83' to a point; thence leaving said City limits and with a new line along U.S. Route 33, the following four (4) courses and distances: (1) S. 52o 58' 40" W. 80.99' to a point; (2) S. 73o 20' 30" W. 62.07 to a point; (3) S. 74o 06' 10" W. 118.79' to a point; (4) S. 70o 34' 20" W. 140.70' to a point; said point being a corner to said National Bank of Commerce and Helen Hinzman; thence continuing along said U.S. Route 33, S 82o 50' 30" W. 500.77' to a point; said point being in the division line of Doris Simmons Nichols and David Hardesty; thence leaving said U.S. Route 33 and with said division line N. 09o 15' W. 647.00' to a point, said point being a corner to said Hardesty, said Nichols and the King Cemetery; thence with the division line of said Nichols and said Cemetery, S. 25o 30' E. 111.00' to a point, said point being a corner to said Nichols, said Cemetery and said Hinzman; thence with the division line of said Cemetery and said Hinzman, N. 69o 00' E. 165.00' to a point, said point being a corner to said Cemetery, said Hinzman and said Bank of Commerce; thence with the division line of said Cemetery and said Bank of Commerce, the following three (3) courses and distances: (1) N. 50o 28' W. 25.80' to a point; (2) N. 02o 10' 10" W. 93.37' to a point; (3) N. 49o 14' 30" W. 44.89' to a point, said point being a corner to said Cemetery, said Bank of Commerce and said Westfall; thence with the division line of said Bank of Commerce and said Westfall, N. 51o 33' E. 712.76' to the place of beginning, Business or Residential.
      13.   Beginning at the east side of existing Mill Creek and Main Street, north side, continuing along Main Street intersecting with the Old Ripley-Evans county road, following the road right-of-way intersecting with east bank of existing Mill Creek following existing Mill Creek southwest to the point of beginning, shall be zoned Business only.
      14.   From the west side of Railroad Street northeast to North Street thence following the railroad right-of-way to intersection of old Ripley-Evans county road, thence following same road in a southeast direction to intersect with the north side of Main Street, following Main Street to the point of beginning.  This area shall be Business and Residential.
      15.   At a beginning point on the west bank of existing Mill Creek and North Street, following the bank of existing Mill Creek northeast to the City property, following the city property line northwest to the old railroad right-of-way, thence following the old railroad right-of-way to the north side of North Street, thence continuing east on North Street to the point beginning shall be zoned Business and Residential.  Straight Street.
      16.   At a beginning point on the west bank of existing Mill Creek and the north side of Main Street following the existing Mill Creek to North Street, thence following North Street northwest to old railroad right-of-way thence following old railroad right-of-way to north side of Main Street, thence following Main Street - southeast to the point of beginning, shall be Business and Residential.
      17.   The point of beginning being west Main Street, south side and I-77 right-of-way thus following the right-of-way southwest to existing Mill Creek, thence following the corporate limits south 79 degrees - 53 minutes west 859.23 feet, thence following McGraw property line to the back of the southwest corner of the last lot on Williams Avenue Subdivision, thence following back of lots of subdivision to first lot of subdivision, thence to the northwest corner of the Episcopal Church property, thence west on west Main Street to the point of beginning shall be Business.
      18.   At a point of beginning at the northwest corner of the Episcopal Church property thus southeast on Main Street to Oldstone Ridge Road, thus following the west side of Stone Ridge Road to the intersection of the corporate limits, thus following the corporate limits north to the McGraw property line, thence following the McGraw property line to the back of the southwest corner of the last lot on Williams Avenue Subdivision to the first lot of the subdivision back to the point of beginning, shall be Residential.
      19.   At the point of beginning of Stone Ridge Road, east side, and west Main Street, thus continuing on Main Street to the west side of Klondyke Road, thus following Klondyke Road to the back of the first lot, thence following the back of the lots to Stone Ridge Road, west side, thence to the point of beginning, shall be Business and Residential.
      20.   At the point of beginning east side of Klondyke Road and Main Street, thus continuing on Main Street to the bank of existing Mill Creek, thus following existing Mill Creek to the back of the first lot, thus following the back of the lots to the east side of Klondyke Road, thus following Klondyke Road to the point of beginning, any property that adjoins Main Street shall be Business only.
      21.   At the point of beginning at the back of the south corner of the first lot on the west side of existing Mill Creek thus following back of the property lines adjoining Main Street continuing across Klondyke Road continuing to follow back of properties adjoining Main Street, to an intersecting point with the east side of Old Stone Ridge Road, thus continuing along the east side of Stone Ridge Road to corporate limits, thus following the corporate limits to the intersection with the west side of existing Mill Creek thus following the west bank of existing Mill Creek meandering to the point of beginning, shall be Residential and Multi-Family.
      22.   Beginning at the corporate limits and the I-77 south right-of-way following the right-of-way northeast to corporate limits following the corporate limits to the point of beginning shall be Business and Residential.
      23.   Green property abutting Charleston Drive on the West side and on the North side by public school property and on the South side by property known as the Archie Kelly property, shall be zoned as Business and Residential.
      24.   Beginning at a point at the South corner of South Street and the West side of Church Street to a point South on the West side of Church Street to and including the south corner of the Orville Sayre garage property, following existing Mill Creek back to a point to the southwest corner of City property following property line on South and Court Street back to a point of beginning back South Street shall be Business only.
      24A.   Beginning at a point in the right-of-way of Klondyke Road (Secondary Route 15) said right-of-way being 20' from the centerline of the road, said beginning point also being a corner to Jackson County Board of Education and R.H. Stalnaker, and being located near a fence line, near a small creek; thence with the right-of-way of Klondyke Road N. 34o 56' W. 349.83' to an iron pin in said right-of-way, near a small drain, being a corner to a 1.536 acre exception; thence continuing with the right-of-way, N. 35o 05' W. passing an iron pin at 182.64' and continuing on said course a total distance of 187.65' to a point in said right-of-way, and in the center of 10' drive; thence with the center of the drive the following two courses and distances N. 58o 35' E. 185.73' to a point in the center of the drive, and N. 54o 35' E. 120.75' to a point in the center of the drive at the end of the drive, corner to Guy Hannah; thence with Hannah's line, N. 22o 31' W. passing an iron pin by a 14" pine tree at 115.96' and continuing on said course a total distance of 189.04' to a point in the center of Mill Creek; thence up Mill Creek with the center of the creek, the following eleven courses and distances: (1) S. 80o 18' E. 139.70'; (2) N. 73o 35 ' E. 176.65'; (3) N. 37o 52' E. 98.33'; (4) N. 09o 15' E. 454.17'; (5) N. 29o 57' E.  95.61'; (6) N. 63o 33' E. 133.46'; (7) N. 81o 43' E. 177.53'; (8) S. 84o 37' E.227.17'; (9) S. 75o 52' E. 191.83'; (10) S. 36o 52' E. 171.35'; (11) S. 02o 01' W. 338.62' to a point in the center of Mill Creek, corner to said R.H. Stalnaker; thence with Stalnaker's line the following four courses and distances; (1) S. 56o 24' W. passing an iron pin at 30.00' on the bank of Mill Creek, on the upper side of a small creek, and continuing on said course a total distance of 229.58' to an iron pin on the bank of said creek; (2) along or near said creek S. 270 45' W. 288.75' to an iron pin on the bank of said creek; (3) along or near said creek S. 76o 42'
         W. 414.30' to an iron pin on the bank of said creek by a railroad tie fence corner; and (4) along or near a fence line S. 42o 06' W. 416.21' to an iron pin in said fence line, corner to 1.536 acre exception, and continuing on said course a total distance of 647.35' to the place of beginning, containing 23.854 acres.
         There is excepted from this annexation, however, a parcel of 1.536 acres described as follows:
         Beginning at the same beginning point as the above parcel; thence with the Klondyke Road right-of-way N. 34o 56' W. 349.83' to an iron pin in said right-of-way by a small drain; thence leaving said right-of-way, along and through the lands of said Jackson County Board of Education, the following two courses and distances: (1) along or near said drain N 68o 27' E. 231.52' to an iron pin by said drain; and (2) S. 34o 56' E. 244.39' to an iron pin in a fence line on the line of R.H. Stalnaker; thence with Stalnaker's line, along or near said fence line S. 42o 06' W. 231.14' to the place of beginning, containing 1.536 acres, leaving a net total to be annexed of 22.318 acres, as shown on a plat of survey prepared by Holley Surveying Service dated February 11, 1977, School property.
      25.   Point of beginning being the southeast corner of Charleston Drive and the northwest corner of Church Street, East side thus following Church Street, south to the point where Church Street intersects with Charleston Drive thus following Charleston Drive northwest on the west side to the point of beginning shall be Business only for a depth of approximately 150 ft., this includes property on the corner of Church Street, and Charleston Drive.  All property on the southwest  side of Charleston Drive to the point where 150 feet approximately meets Charleston Drive, shall be Residential only.
      26.   Beginning at the southwest corner of the north side of Church Street and Charleston Drive north to south Main Street, thence E. to 7th Street, name changing to Highlawn Drive, thus following Highlawn Drive to the east most corner of the Edison Parson Property thus following property line south to Charleston Drive, thus following Charleston Drive west to the point of beginning shall be Business and Residential excluding any and all property abutting the north side of Charleston Drive except the corner lot at the point of beginning.
      27.   Point of beginning the southwest corner of Church Street, north side and E. Main Street on the north side thus continuing along E. side of Church Street, to 7th Street thus following the west side of 7th Street, to the north side of Main Street, thus following Main Street west to the point of beginning shall be Residential only, excluding all property abutting north side of Main Street, and all property abutting E. side of Church Street, shall be Business and Residential.
      28.   The above area includes part of North Street, Sycamore Street, 6 and 6 1/2 Streets.
      29.   Point of beginning being the southeast corner of Church Street and the northeast corner of South Street, thus following South Street, west to Court Street, following Court Street, to South Street, west on South Street the southeast corner of Maple Street, thus following the east side of Maple Street, to the corner of North Street, thus following the south side of North Street, thus following North Street east to Court Street, thus following Court Street, to the Bess Pfost property, thus following the Pfost property on the south side to the northwest corner of the Glen Mann property, thus following back of property lines to where they intersect  with Sycamore Creek thus following Sycamore Creek to Parson property thus following Parsons property East to Church Street, thus following Church Street, south to a point of beginning shall all be Business only.
      30.   Point of beginning being the southwest corner of North Street and the northwest corner of Court Street, thus following the north side of North Street, to existing Mill Creek thus following bank of existing Mill Creek to existing Sycamore Creek thus following existing Sycamore Creek to the most northeast corner of the Bess Pfost property thus following property line to the east side of Court Street, thus following Court Street, to the point of beginning shall be Residential only.
      30A.   Point of beginning is southeast corner of Court Street and North Street thus following the North side of North Street to Maple Street then North on East side of Maple Street to Sycamore Street, then East on South side of Sycamore Street to Court Street, then South on Court Street to a point of beginning shall be Business and/or Residential.
      31.   Point of beginning being the north corner of Main Street and the west corner of Maple Street, thus following Main Street, to existing Mill Creek, thus following existing Mill Creek to North Street, thus following the south side of North Street to Maple Street, thus following the west side of Maple Street, to the point of beginning shall be business only excluding property abutting North Street, only which shall be Residential only.
      32.   Point of beginning being the south corner of Main Street and the west corner of Maple Street thus following Maple Street to Bridge Street thus following Bridge Street west to existing Mill Creek, thus following the bank of existing Mill Creek to the south side of Main Street, thus following Main Street, east to the point of beginning shall be Business only.  Excluding properties  abutting Bridge Street, and/or a depth of approximately 125 feet shall be Residential only.
      33.   Point of beginning being the East bank of the existing Mill Creek and the south corner of Bridge Street, thus following Bridge Street, east to the east corner of Maple Street, thus following Maple Street, east to the most northeast corner of city property thus following city property to the north bank of existing Mill Creek, thus following the north bank of existing Mill Creek to the point of beginning shall be Residential only.  This area includes South Street, West Street, North and South side of Bridge Street.
      34.   Industrial properties must be applied for before the City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission.