Approved methods of mosquito control may consist of one or more of the following procedures:
   (a)   Screen collections of water with corrosion-resistant netting of at least sixteen meshes to the inch each way, or with other material which will effectually prevent the ingress or egress of mosquitoes.
   (b)   Empty collections of water every seven days.
   (c)   Larvicide collections of water.
   (d)   Free collections of water of all vegetative growth, floating debris and other obstructions.
   (e)   Stock collections of water with mosquito destroying fish.
   (f)   Eliminate collections of water by filling or draining the area to the satisfaction of the Health Officer or his authorized agent.
   (g)   Sanitate premises by disposal, removal or destruction of tin cans, tin boxes, broken or empty bottles, vehicle tires and similar articles likely to hold water.
   (h)   Such other methods as may be prescribed by the Health Officer for special situations not covered above.