The following rules, rates and charges are hereby fixed, determined and established for municipal sewerage services provided to all general domestic, commercial, and industrial customers of the City of Ripley’s Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant and Collection System, commencing upon the effective date as hereinafter provided, and in accordance with the following Rates and Schedules:
Rules and Regulations for the Government of Sewer Utilities, adopted by the Public Service Commission of West Virginia, and now in effect, and all amendments thereto and modifications thereof hereafter made by said Commission.
(Effective 45 days after enactment)
APPLICABILITY: Applicable within entire territory served.
AVAILABILITY: Available for general domestic, commercial and industrial sewer service.
2,000 gallons used per month
$15.00 per 1,000 gallons
9,000 gallons used per month
$11.00 per 1,000 gallons
60,000 gallons used per month
$8.00 per 1,000 gallons
All Over
71,000 gallons used per month
$6.50 per 1,000 gallons
MINIMUM CHARGE: (Metered Service) The above schedule is subject to a minimum monthly charge of $30.00.
FLAT RATE: (Domestic) A flat rate of $57.50 per month shall apply to domestic users with their own water supply, with the option that the user may request installation of a meter on his water supply to determine sewerage charges, at the user’s cost of meter plus installation. Thereafter, meter rates shall apply.
DELAYED PAYMENT PENALTY: The above schedule is net. On all accounts not paid in full when due 10% will be added to the net current amount unpaid. This amount is not interest and is to be collected only once for each bill where it is appropriate.
COMMERCIAL, AND MULTIPLE UNITS: Commercial and multiple dwelling units, situated within the City limits and having their own water supply, are required to allow the installation of meters on their water supply to determine sewerage charges, subject to the following:
   (1)   Rules and Regulations for the Government of Sewage Utilities, adopted by the Public Service Commission of West Virginia and now in effect, and all amendments thereto and modifications thereof hereafter made by said Commission; and
   (2)   Commercial, multiple dwelling units and trailer courts, situate outside the City limits having their own water supply, may at the option and expense of the Sewer Department be metered. Otherwise, a flat rate per month of $57.50 per tap, shall apply.
TAP FEE: A tapping fee of $300.00 shall be charged for each separate tap to the sewerage system on and after the effective date hereof.
RETURNED CHECK CHARGE: A service charge equal to the actual bank fee assessed to the sewer utility up to a maximum of $25.00 will be imposed upon any customer whose check for payment of charges is returned by the bank due to insufficient funds.
LEAK ADJUSTMENT: $5.00 PER 1,000 gallons is to be used when a bill reflects unusual consumption which can be attributed to eligible leakage on customer’s side of the meter. This rate shall be applied to all such consumption above the customer’s historical average usage.
   Not to exceed two-twelfths (2/12) of the average annual usage of the applicant’s specific customer class or fifty dollars ($50.00), whichever is greater. This fee may be changed by applicable statutory provisions.
APPLICABILITY: Whenever the City has discovered that a customer’s roof drain, downspouts, storm sewer, or other similar facilities conducting surface water has been connected to the City’s sewer system and such customer has failed to take appropriate action within 30 days of receipt of a demand by the City, in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Public Service Commission to eliminate such connection, a surcharge will be imposed upon the customer calculated on the basis of the following formula:
   S = A x R x .0006233 x C
   S =   The surcharge in dollars.
   A =   The area under roof and/or the area of any other water collection surface connected to the sanitary sewer, in square feet.
   R =    The measured monthly rainfall, in inches.
   .0006233 =   A conversion factor to change inches of rain x square feet of surface to thousands of gallons of water.
   C =   The City’s approved rate per thousand gallons of metered water usage.
The City shall not impose the surcharge unless and until the customer has been notified by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by hand delivery, that it has been established by smoke testing, dye testing, or on-site inspection that rain or other surface water is being introduced into the sanitary sewer system at the customer’s location, and that the customer has not acted within 30 days from receipt of such notice to divert the water from the sanitary sewer system.
Said surcharge shall be calculated and imposed for each month that said condition continues to exist. Failure to pay the surcharge and/or correct the situation shall give rise to the possible termination of water service in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Public Service Commission of West Virginia.
(Effective January 1, 2021)
APPLICABILITY: Applicable within entire territory served.
AVAILABILITY: Available for general domestic, commercial and industrial sewer service.
2,000 gallons used per month
$18.00 per 1,000 gallons
9,000 gallons used per month
$13.00 per 1,000 gallons
60,000 gallons used per month
$10.00 per 1,000 gallons
All Over
71,000 gallons used per month
$7.50 per 1,000 gallons
MINIMUM CHARGE: (Metered Service) The above schedule is subject to a minimum monthly charge of $36.00.
FLAT RATE: (Domestic) A flat rate of $68.50 per month shall apply to domestic users with their own water supply, with the option that the user may request installation of a meter on his water supply to determine sewerage charges, at the user’s cost of meter plus installation. Thereafter, meter rates shall apply.
DELAYED PAYMENT PENALTY: The above schedule is net. On all accounts not paid in full when due, ten percent (10%) will be added to the net current amount unpaid. This amount is not interest and is to be collected only once for each bill where it is appropriate.
COMMERCIAL, AND MULTIPLE UNITS: Commercial and multiple dwelling units, situated within the City limits and having their own water supply, are required to allow the installation of meters on their water supply to determine sewerage charges, subject to the following:
   (1)   Rules and Regulations for the Government of Sewage Utilities, adopted by the Public Service Commission of West Virginia and now in effect, and all amendments thereto and modifications thereof hereafter made by said Commission; and
   (2)   Commercial, multiple dwelling units and trailer courts, situate outside the City limits having their own water supply, may at the option and expense of the Sewer Department be metered. Otherwise, a flat rate per month of $68.50 per tap, shall apply.
TAP FEE: A tapping fee of $300.00 shall be charged for each separate tap to the sewerage system on and after the effective date hereof.
RETURNED CHECK CHARGE: A service charge equal to the actual bank fee assessed to the sewer utility up to a maximum of $25.00 will be imposed upon any customer whose check for payment of charges is returned by the bank due to insufficient funds.
LEAK ADJUSTMENT: $5.00 per 1,000 gallons is to be used when a bill reflects unusual consumption which can be attributed to eligible leakage on customer’s side of the meter. This rate shall be applied to all such consumption above the customer’s historical average usage.
   Not to exceed two-twelfths (2/12) of the average annual usage of the applicant’s specific customer class or fifty dollars ($50.00), whichever is greater. This fee may be changed by applicable statutory provisions.
APPLICABILITY: Whenever the City has discovered that a customer’s roof drain, downspouts, storm sewer, or other similar facilities conducting surface water has been connected to the City’
S = A x R x .0006233 x C
   S   =   The surcharge in dollars.
   A   =   The area under roof and/or the area of any other water collection surface connected to the sanitary sewer, in square feet.
   R   =    The measured monthly rainfall, in inches.
   .0006233 =   A conversion factor to change inches of rain x square feet of surface to thousands of gallons of water.
   C   =   The City’s approved rate per thousand gallons of metered water usage.
The City shall not impose the surcharge unless and until the customer has been notified by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by hand delivery, that it has been established by smoke testing, dye testing, or on-site inspection that rain or other surface water is being introduced into the sanitary sewer system at the customer’s location, and that the customer has not acted within 30 days from receipt of such notice to divert the water from the sanitary sewer system.
Said surcharge shall be calculated and imposed for each month that said condition continues to exist. Failure to pay the surcharge and/or correct the situation shall give rise to the possible termination of water service in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Public Service Commission of West Virginia.
(Effective Upon Substantial Completion of a Sewerage System
Improvement Project or Initiation of Project Debt Service, Whichever Occurs First)
APPLICABILITY: Applicable within entire territory served.
AVAILABILITY: Available for general domestic, commercial and industrial sewer service.
2,000 gallons used per month
$22.50 per 1,000 gallons
9,000 gallons used per month
$16.25 per 1,000 gallons
60,000 gallons used per month
$12.00 per 1,000 gallons
All Over
71,000 gallons used per month
$10.00 per 1,000 gallons
MINIMUM CHARGE: (Metered Service) The above schedule is subject to a minimum monthly charge of $45.00.
FLAT RATE: (Domestic) A flat rate of $85.63 per month shall apply to domestic users with their own water supply, with the option that the user may request installation of a meter on his water supply to determine sewerage charges, at the user’s cost of meter plus installation. Thereafter, meter rates shall apply.
DELAYED PAYMENT PENALTY: The above schedule is net. On all accounts not paid in full when due, 10% will be added to the net current amount unpaid. This amount is not interest and is to be collected only once for each bill where it is appropriate.
COMMERCIAL, AND MULTIPLE UNITS: Commercial and multiple dwelling units, situated within the City limits and having their own water supply, are required to allow the installation of meters on their water supply to determine sewerage charges, subject to the following:
   (1)   Rules and Regulations for the Government of Sewage Utilities, adopted by the Public Service Commission of West Virginia and now in effect, and all amendments thereto and modifications thereof hereafter made by said Commission; and
   (2)   Commercial, multiple dwelling units and trailer courts, situate outside the City limits having their own water supply, may at the option and expense of the Sewer Department be metered. Otherwise, a flat rate per month of $85.63 per tap, shall apply.
TAP FEE: Tapping fee of $300.00 shall be charged for each separate tap to the sewerage system on and after the effective date hereof.
RETURNED CHECK CHARGE: A service charge equal to the actual bank fee assessed to the sewer utility up to a maximum of $25.00 will be imposed upon any customer whose check for payment of charges is returned by the bank due to insufficient funds.
LEAK ADJUSTMENT: $5.00 per 1,000 gallons is to be used when a bill reflects unusual consumption which can be attributed to eligible leakage on customer’s side of the meter. This rate shall be applied to all such consumption above the customer’s historical average usage.
   Not to exceed two-twelfths (2/12) of the average annual usage of the applicant’s specific customer class or fifty dollars ($50.00), whichever is greater. This fee may be changed by applicable statutory provisions.
Whenever the City has discovered that a customer’s roof drain, downspouts, storm sewer, or other similar facilities conducting surface water has been connected to the City’s sewer system and such customer has failed to take appropriate action within 30 days of receipt of a demand by the City, in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Public Service Commission to eliminate such connection, a surcharge will be imposed upon the customer calculated on the basis of the following formula:
S = A x R x .0006233 x C
S   =   The surcharge in dollars.
A   =   The area under roof and/or the area of any other water collection surface connected to the sanitary sewer, in square feet.
R   =   The measured monthly rainfall, in inches.
.0006233 =   A conversion factor to change inches of rain x square feet of surface to thousands of gallons of water.
C   =   The City’s approved rate per thousand gallons of metered water usage.
The City shall not impose the surcharge unless and until the customer has been notified by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by hand delivery, that it has been established by smoke testing, dye testing, or on-site inspection that rain or other surface water is being introduced into the sanitary sewer system at the customer’s location, and that the customer has not acted within 30 days from receipt of such notice to divert the water from the sanitary sewer system.
Said surcharge shall be calculated and imposed for each month that said condition continues to exist. Failure to pay the surcharge and/or correct the situation shall give rise to the possible termination of water service in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Public Service Commission of West Virginia.
(Passed 3-19-19.)