(a)   A person who is served with a parking ticket charging the commission of a parking infraction may answer the charge by personal appearance at the Village of Richwood Administrative Building during normal business hours, by mail or by depositing the envelope so provided into the deposit box outside of the Village of Richwood Administrative Building. The answer shall be made within ten days of the issuance of the parking ticket (the mailing must be postmarked within ten days of the issuance of the ticket) and shall be either:
      (1)   An admission that the person committed the parking infraction by payment in full of the fine; or
      (2)   A denial that the infraction occurred and a request for a hearing. A denial must be written on the back of the ticket when a denial is entered. Otherwise, the person need only pay the fine to the clerk.
   (b)   When a person denies that he has committed a parking violation, he shall be granted a hearing that shall be civil in nature. The Bureau shall set a date for the hearing and notify the person, in writing, of the date, time and place of the hearing. The hearing shall be conducted by the Hearing Examiner in accordance with Ohio R.C. 4521.08 which, in its entirety, is incorporated herein by reference.
   (c)   A person who admits that he committed a parking infraction shall pay the fine to the violations clerk of the bureau to which the answer is made.
   (d)   If a person fails to timely answer a parking ticket citation, after that person has been personally or constructively served with the citation charging the offense, the Richwood Parking Violations Bureau shall issue a notice of infraction and shall proceed pursuant to Ohio R.C. 4521.07. Failure to answer a charge may result in the imposition of additional penalties set forth in this chapter and Section 351.99.
(Ord. 9-25-06.)