(a)   A contractor who is licensed under this chapter shall secure the appropriate and necessary building permits required by the building codes of the Village before undertaking the building, constructing, altering, rehabilitating, repairing, altering, moving or demolishing of any building, structure, sidewalk, street, fence, swimming pool, driveway, HVAC equipment or landscaping, or any other related construction activity, including plumbing and electrical work.
   (b)   Such contractor shall comply with all the provisions of this Building and Housing Code and all other Village codes and ordinances relating to or regulating the activities of contractors.
   (c)   All contractors shall remove or cause to be removed, at least once a week or, at the direction of the Building Commissioner, all trash, refuse and other waste materials accumulated as a result of the construction activity at the site of construction.
   (d)   No contractor shall obstruct traffic, streets or sidewalks without first receiving permission from the appropriate Village department to do so. The contractor shall restrict the movement of construction vehicles exceeding the local weight limitations to those local streets approved by the Director of Community Development or other person duly authorized by the Village Manager, except as provided for in Chapter 434 of the Traffic Code.
   (e)   No contractor shall permit the accumulation of dirt, mud or waste materials on the public streets or walkways to a degree which makes driving hazardous or otherwise endangers the health, safety and welfare of Village residents. Any limited accumulation of dirt, mud or debris shall be removed from the public rights of way on a daily basis by the contractor. In newly established residential and commercial/ industrial subdivisions in which more than one contractor may be building, the developer shall be held ultimately responsible for compliance with this section. The contractor shall at all times keep the site of activities in an orderly condition.
(Ord. 819. Passed 6-27-94.)