(a)   General Requirements.
      (1)   Required. Immediately upon the completion of any job, excavations made therefor beneath any street, alley, sidewalk, street or alley crossing or other public grounds under a permit from the Village Engineer shall be backfilled up to the original street surface.
      (2)   Method. Backfilling shall be done in layers, and each layer shall be not more than six inches in thickness and thoroughly rammed and tamped with an iron hammer, weighing not less than twenty pounds and having a surface area of not more than thirty-six square inches, or with any other suitable tamping equipment approved by the Engineer. Such tamping procedure shall continue until the excavation is filled up to the proper line.
      (3)   Acceptable Materials. Only selected materials shall be used in backfilling. No broken concrete, rubble or debris shall be used as backfill material unless approved in writing by the Engineer.
(1976 Code 20-17.)
   (b)   Improper Backfilling. If the backfilling of an excavation is not done in accordance with this chapter and the rules and regulations of the Village pursuant thereto, and in a manner satisfactory to the Village Engineer, the Engineer may cause all the materials to be removed from the excavation and have the same refilled in a proper manner at the expense of the party originally making the excavation.
(1976 Code 20-18.)
   (c)   Settling.
      (1)   If the backfilling of an excavation settles prior to the making of permanent repairs, such excavation shall immediately be brought to proper grade by the party making the excavation, as directed by the Village Engineer.
      (2)   If a settlement takes place at any time within one year after an excavation has been permanently repaired, the necessary amount of pavement shall be removed in accordance with the direction of the Engineer, the proper amount of backfilling shall be done and repairs shall be made to the pavement at the expense of the party responsible for the original excavation.
(1976 Code 20-19.)