(a)   Any subscriber, user, programmer or member of the general public who has a complaint regarding the quality of cable television service, equipment malfunctions, billing or any other matter, which remains unresolved for thirty days after it has been brought to the grantee's attention, in writing, may file such complaint, in writing, with the Complaint Officer, who shall have primary responsibility for the continuing administration of complaint procedures under this chapter.
   (b)   Upon the filing of such a complaint, the Complaint Officer shall notify the grantee and make an investigation to determine whether or not there is probable cause to credit the allegations. If he or she determines, after such investigation, that there is probable cause to credit the allegations of the complaint, he or she shall so notify the grantee and complainant and shall promptly endeavor to resolve the matter by conciliation and persuasion. If the Complaint Officer is unable to obtain conciliation within a reasonable time, he or she shall, with the consent to the complainant, promptly notify the Cable Television Commission of such complaint. The Commission shall, within ten days following the receipt of such notice, schedule a hearing at which it shall receive evidence to determine if there is a legitimate complaint. Not later than fourteen days after the conclusion of such a hearing, the Commission shall make public its decision, which shall include a written statement of its findings. If the Commission finds that the grantee is in violation of the franchise agreement, the Commission may order such disbursement from the security fund, as established in Section 814.35, as it may deem necessary and justified. Hearings may be ex parte if, after reasonable notice, the grantee does not appear. Findings and decisions of the Commission shall be binding on the grantee. Final decisions of the Commission may be appealed to the Board of Trustees. Nothing shall prohibit the Complaint Officer from continuing, at any time, his or her efforts to reach conciliation.
   (c)   The grantee shall notify each subscriber, at the time of initial installation, of the name and address of the Complaint Officer and of the procedures set forth in this section.
(Ord. 593. Passed 7-12-82.)