The grantee shall, for the rates provided for in Attachment B, which is attached to original Ordinance 593, passed July 12, 1982, furnish to its subscribers the following:
   (a)   All operating broadcast television signals for which the grantee has received certification as specified in the franchise agreement;
   (b)   A minimum of twenty separately processed FM stations;
   (c)   Automated channels carrying time, weather, news, stock market quotations and community messages;
   (d)   The capability for a remotely activated emergency override alert system, whereby, in terms of emergency, an audio and/or visual message may be introduced on all channels simultaneously. The minimum requirement shall be an audio override system on all channels. An audio alert beep or warble tone shall be provided prior to voice announcement. An unmodulated (black) screen shall be provided during audio override. In planning the system, consideration may also be given to substituting an emergency video message as an alternative to switching to black.
   The grantee shall provide the necessary equipment to provide audio and video access to the cable network from the police/fire communication center areas and the Rich Township/Richton Park Emergency Services Operations Center. The grantee shall furnish all necessary equipment, including two terminals, to allow remote access to the government access and weather channel for the purpose of message subscripting/message creeper capabilities.
   The grantee shall also provide all necessary equipment (and the maintenance thereof) to provide an automated preprogrammed system for the government access channel. During the construction of this system, the grantee shall inform the Coordinator of the Emergency Services and Disaster Agency of the progress of the work. The grantee shall have the audio override system and service in operation upon initiation of service to the first customer. The automated preprogrammed system shall be operational within six months of service to the first customer.
   (e)   Access channels to include, but not be limited to, one local origination channel, one governmental access channel, one educational access channel and one public access channel. When access channels are at a sixty percent level of utilization, the grantee shall provide an additional access channel in that specific category.
   (f)   At least eight access channels available for lease to the grantee or outside parties, on terms consistent with applicable Federal Communications Commission rules;
   (g)   The capacities of interactive services, including, but not limited to, security alarm monitoring, home shopping, energy management, home banking, teletext, information access and retrieval, subscriber polling, video games and one-way or interactive education, such capacities to be provided in the initial system configuration. All customer equipment necessary for such services, such as addressable interactive converters, home terminals and home detectors, shall be made available to subscribers by the grantee in accordance with established and uniform rate schedules.
   (h)   A parental control locking device or a digital code that permits inhibiting the viewing of premium channels or other channels, such device or code to be provided at no cost; and
   (i)   The necessary service and facilities for the utilization of video recorders by residential subscribers.
(Ord. 593. Passed 7-12-82.)