(a)   No license shall be issued for the retail sale of any alcoholic liquor within 100 feet of any church, school, day care center, hospital, home for the aged or indigent persons, home for veterans, their wives or children or any military or naval station. This prohibition does not apply to a hotel or motel offering restaurant service.
   (b)   No license shall be issued for the retail sale of liquor on any premises within 500 feet of an under-aged entertainment establishment licensed under the provisions of this Code. Such distance shall be measured from the primary customer entrance of the licensed under-aged establishment to the nearest point of the building in which a liquor establishment is proposed to be located.
(1976 Code § 3-19; Ord. 1068. Passed 2-12-01; Ord. 1623. Passed 6-27-16; Ord. 1627. Passed 10-24-16.)