In addition to the duties required by State law, if any, the Director of Finance shall have the following duties, functions and responsibilities:
   (a)   Fiscal supervision. Exercise general supervision over all fiscal matters relating to the functions of every department of the Village government.
   (b)   Auditing of books and records. Examine and audit the books, records and accounts of the Village and determine that they are in proper form and balance.
   (c)   Payments. Supervise the prompt payments of all monies received by every department into the Village treasury and provide for the completion and delivery to the Director of Finance of such financial reports as the Director of Finance shall from time to time prescribe and require from such departments. The Director of Finance shall promptly report to the Village Manager every failure by any department to promptly pay into the Village treasury the money received or the failure to complete and deliver to the Director of Finance such financial reports, or the failure of the books, records and accounts to balance.
   (d)   Report of misuse of funds. Report to the Village Manager the defalcation of or misuse by any department, officer or employee of the Village of monies or property belonging to the Village.
   (e)   Collection of special assessments. Supervise and direct the collection and accounting of special assessment funds, and the proceeds received from the sale of bonds, all of which the Director of Finance shall without delay deposit or cause to be deposited in the Village treasury. All monies received on any special assessment shall be deposited in a special account and shall be applied only to payment for the improvement, or bonds or vouchers issued therefor, together with interest thereon, for which the assessment was made, and such money shall not be used for any other purpose, unless to reimburse the Village for money expended for such improvement. Payments on bonds or vouchers shall be made in accordance with the statutes or ordinances and the books, records, and accounts shall be so kept as to readily disclose the proration between payments of principal and interest.
   (f)   Deposit of funds. Deposit the Village funds only in such banks as may be designated by ordinance or resolution. Deposits made by the Director of Finance on such banks shall discharge the Director of Finance from responsibility while the funds and money are on deposit. The Director of Finance shall be subject to the provisions of the statutes relating to municipal treasurers.
   (g)   Accounts of receipts and expenditures. Keep, in proper books, a full and accurate account of all the monies received and disbursed by the Director of Finance in behalf of the Village, specifying the time of receipt and disbursement, from whom received and to whom disbursed, the purpose for which the money was received or disbursed, and the nature of the payment. Special assessment collections shall be identified by the warrant number and the installment thereof
   (h)   Collection of monies and fees due Village. Demand and receive all monies and fees due and owing to the Village. When an indebtedness due the Village shall not be paid upon demand of the Director of Finance, the Director of Finance shall advise the Village Attorney thereof.
   (i)   Report to Village Manager. The Director of Finance shall periodically furnish the Village Manager with a full and comprehensive report of all matters pertaining to the activities of the Finance Department.
   (j)   Certification of contracts. Certify as to whether an appropriation was made for all contracts, agreements, or other obligations involving the expenditure of public funds entered into by an official of the Village government, and no such contract, agreement, or other obligation shall be valid until so certified by the Director of Finance. The act of certifying may be delegated to a subordinate.
   (k)   Budget duties. Assist the budget officer.
(Ord. 1203. Passed 1-10-05.)