(A)   No person shall bring into or have in his or her possession in any park any firearms, slingshots, firecrackers, torpedoes, fireworks or other missile- propelling instruments or explosives, including any substance, compound, mixture or article having properties that alone or in combination or contiguity with other substances, mixtures, compounds or articles may propel missiles or may decompose suddenly and generate sufficient heat, sound, gas or pressure or any or all of these to produce rapid flames, combustion or noxious or dangerous odors or sounds such as to annoy any other person or to injure any person or property.
   (B)   No person shall shoot or propel any missile, pellet, shot, arrow, dart or other thing by means of any firearm, compressed air or gas propulsion device, bow, slingshot or propelling device of any kind in or into any park, except under a permit granted by the Board or within a regularly conducted event authorized by, or conducted by, the Board or the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation of the Department of Parks and Recreation.
(Prior Code, § 95.18) (Ord. 1853-1961, passed - -1961; Ord. 3-1991, passed - -1991) Penalty, see § 93.999