General Provisions
91.001 Definitions
91.002 Districts in which storage of explosives and blasting agents prohibited
91.003 Districts in which storage of flammable liquids in outside, above-ground tanks prohibited
91.004 Limits in which bulk storage of liquefied petroleum gases restricted
91.005 Modifications
91.006 Appeals
91.007 New materials, processes or occupancies which may require permits
Fire Prevention Code
91.020 Adoption of Fire Prevention Code
91.021 Amendments to Fire Prevention Code
91.022 Duties of Bureau of Fire Prevention
Smoke Detectors
91.035 Definitions
91.036 General requirements
91.037 Locations
91.038 Equipment
91.039 Installation
91.040 Maintenance
91.041 Permits
91.042 Private residences
Hazardous Material Spills
91.055 Definitions
91.056 Assessment of charges for hazardous waste mitigation
91.057 Billing of costs
91.058 Impoundment
91.999 Penalty