This process section applies to the following zoning districts: PR; AG; IA; R1; R2; R3; UR; M1; UV; IS; NC; LC; GC; OC; CB; HC; EP; IC; I1; I2; and HI.
(A) Permanent construction, installation, addition, alteration or relocation of a structure. A project that involves constructing, installing, adding onto, altering or relocating a building or structure for a permanent duration shall have the project reviewed for compliance with this chapter. Projects determined to be in full compliance with the applicable regulations shall be issued an improvement location permit authorizing the project to begin. See § 165.459 (Improvement Location Permit) for details about this process.
(B) Permanent alteration to the land. A project that involves permanently altering the topography, drainage, floodplain or significant environmental features shall have the project reviewed for compliance with this chapter. Projects determined to be in full compliance with the applicable regulations will be issued an improvement location permit authorizing the project to begin. See § 165.459 (Improvement Location Permit) for details about this process.
(C) Temporary use of land or structure. A project that involves establishing a temporary use or installing a temporary structure shall have the project reviewed for compliance with this chapter. Projects determined to be in full compliance with the applicable regulations shall be issued an improvement location permit authorizing the project to begin. See § 165.460 (Temporary Improvement Location Permit) for details about this process.
(D) Establish a new land use or change an existing land use. A project that involves establishing a new land use on a parcel or in a structure, or changing an existing land use, shall have the project reviewed for compliance with this chapter. Projects determined to be in full compliance with the applicable regulations shall be issued an improvement location permit authorizing the project to begin. See § 165.459 (Improvement Location Permit) for details about this process.
(E) Special exception. An application for a special exception may be filed for a land use classified as a special exception in §§ 165.085 through 165.108 for the subject zoning district. The Board of Zoning Appeals shall utilize a specific public hearing and procedural findings to determine whether the land use is appropriate for the specific parcel named in the petition. See § 165.463 (Special Exceptions) for details about this process.
(F) Change to a different zoning district. An application for a rezoning may be filed for a parcel to be changed from its existing zoning district to a different zoning district. The Plan Commission shall utilize a specific public hearing to review the proposed change in zoning. The Plan Commission shall then forward a recommendation to the Common Council for final action. Approval or denial is the full discretion of the Common Council. See § 165.470 (Zoning Map Amendment; Rezonings) for details about this process.
(Ord. 10-2010, passed - -2010, § 9.01)